- He told me, that "P." is even capable of beating people. What you have with Tom, is nothing. - That's what he had told me the other time too. I'm "shocked" by his confidence. - He is definitely bossy though. - "P." sometimes scares me..... He is watching every moment of my life here. How? - Lately I've been diluting it and it has a lesser effect. I told "S." that I've diluted it enough but I haven't stopped it.
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
"P." can either be the initial of a name or he is calling someone gay just to insult him. I can't be sure what's the case.
In the first sentence the word "he" might refer to "P." stating something about himself, or to someone else stating something about "P."
The last sentence is probably talking about diluting some drug or something. But it might talk about not visiting someone that often which causes less reactions. I doubt that this is the meaning though, it most likely talks about a drug of some kind. Alcohol, prescription drugs, illicit drugs or whatever that can be diluted. Probably not alcohol.
"S." is just another name initial probably.
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez Francky5591 - 16 Sierpień 2014 13:59