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Tłumaczenie - Macedoński-Angielski - Епот за Гилгамеш е најстариот пишуван споменик...

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Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: MacedońskiAngielski

Kategoria Esej

Епот за Гилгамеш е најстариот пишуван споменик...
Wprowadzone przez anitaristeska
Język źródłowy: Macedoński

Епот за Гилгамеш е најстариот пишуван споменик во светската литература. Неговото настанување се врзува за третиот милениум пред новата ера (2000 – 1800 год.), меѓутоа корените на неговите прапочетоци досегаат уште неколку стотици години поназад, а директно се однесува на културата и традицијата на еден од најстарите народи, Сумерците. Во науката се уште постои дилема од каде е потеклото на овој несемитски (нееврејски) народ, кој ги населил плодните пространства меѓу реките Тигар и Еуфрат.
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
It's a history essay about the epic of Gilgamesh.

The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest written monument...

Tłumaczone przez circe
Język docelowy: Angielski

The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest written monument of world literature. It dates back to the third millennium before the new era (2000-1800 BC), the roots of its prototypes can be traced back hundreds of years earlier, while it relates directly to the culture and traditions of one of the oldest peoples – the Sumerians. There is no scientific explanation yet of the origin of this non-semite (non-jewish) people, who inhabited the fertile lands between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates.
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez Tantine - 25 Wrzesień 2007 19:47

Ostatni Post


19 Wrzesień 2007 21:38

Liczba postów: 2747
Hi Circe

This looks really good.

Just a point though, "non-semite" is not synonymous to "non-jewish".

Though nowadays mainly jewish, the semites (descendants of Shem, oldest son of Noah) still include (amongst others) arabian peoples from southern Asia, certain aficain peoples...

Since it seems to be in the original you did well to translate it, I just made the precision in case you might want to know.


20 Wrzesień 2007 07:17

Liczba postów: 4
Thank you, Tantine, appreciate it.

25 Wrzesień 2007 19:48

Liczba postów: 2747
Hi Circe

The poll looks good, so I'll validate this, then you can enjoy your points.
