gurbet elde bir başıma kimim var ki? senden başka... öldüm desem bir damla su verenmi var senden başka? kekik kokan dağlarım yok bülbül öten bağlarım yok tutunacak dallarım yok kim varki; senden başka?
while I'm in a foreign land who do I have for myself?
while I'm in a foreign land who do I have for myself? other than you ... if I said I was dying, is there anyone who would give me a drop of water other than you? I have no mountains with the scent of thyme I have no vineyards with the nightingale singing I have no branches to hold onto who do I have, other than you?
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
This is a bridge translation.
I wasn't sure about the "for myself" part. Also, the concept of "gurbet elde" means literally "in the hands of exile" - it's a very common concept in Turkish, but it doesn't exist in English. I translated it as "while I'm in a foreign land".
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez IanMegill2 - 31 Październik 2007 03:48
Thanks for the suggestion, Ian - I did it that way, although to be honest I really don't understand this construction. This means that the verb "ölmek" means "to die", but also means "to be dying" - how confusing! But I remember now that it has come up before - in a translation of an old poem or something.