como estás, o que faz o dia inteiro e como está a escola? Eu espero que estejas bem como eu. Eu realmente penso em ti ainda, nós passamos um óptimo perÃodo juntos mesmo que foi infelizmente curto. O que há de novo contigo?
How are you? What do you do the whole day? And how's school? I hope you're fine just like me. I still think about you. We spent a great time together, even if it was short, unfortunately. What's new with you?
Darrera validació o edició per lilian canale - 6 Abril 2009 01:45
"How are you? What do you do the whole day? And how's school? I hope you're fine just like me. I still think about you. We spent a great time together, even if it was short, unfortunately. What's new with you?"