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Norvegiană jeg har savnet deg
jeg har savnet deg

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Bosniac nedostaješ mi
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Engleză Avril Lavigne is a girl who knows what she wants....
Avril Lavigne is a girl who knows what she wants. And when it came to writing her eagerly awaited third album, The Best Damn Thing, she had one very clear goal in mind: To make it fun. While touring in 2004 for her last album, Under My Skin, which sold more than 8 million copies worldwide, the Canadian-born punk-pop dynamo found that her favorite songs to play were the faster, more up-tempo songs so she resolved to make a record that captured the kind of high-spirited, full-throttle energy that she loved to unleash on-stage.

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Turcă Avril Lavigne ne istediÄŸini bilen bir kız.
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Poloneză wyjasnienie
Całkiem mozliwe, że wcale nie odczytasz tych słów po polsku...ale jeśli to tu jest to co chciałabym Ci powiedzieć

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Engleză explanation
Turcă açıklama
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Italiană che hai fatto oggi
che hai fatto oggi

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Engleză What have you done today?
Turcă Bugün ne yaptın
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Engleză edgar
Hello,i will like you to know that payment has been made.I will keep you updated againThank you for your understanding

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Italiană Edgar
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Suedeză Herrens egen
Herrens egen
Det står i bibelordet jes 44:5 att en ska säga jag tillhör Herren och en skriva på sin hand Herrens egen. Man kanske kan översätta det från en bibel på hebreiska. Jag skulle vilja ha det som tatuering. Jag som ska säga det är en tjej.

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

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Engleză The Lord's own
Greacă Tου Κυρίου
Ebraicã לה'
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Engleză fcx container
We are carrying out a detailed validation exercise to calculate the number of FXC Containers you need to ship to authorised Ford Locations. Please find attached a spreadsheet showing an extract of the system data held by Ford and a letter explaining what you need to do. The purpose of the exercise is to enable us to create a distribution plan to increase the availability of Ford owned containers. We would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to review the document.

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Turcă fcx konteyneri
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Engleză construction boom
The continuing construction boom and the deficit of cement, in our opinion, should support cement prices this year as well, and share prices of cement makers as well. However, we do not expect another year of 2X price growth for this key building material,especially given the close attention of various government bodies to the industry, and the threat of government intervention in price formation on the building materials market.

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Turcă inÅŸaat artışı
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Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
Spaniolă - la enfermedad celiaca es una intolerancia...
- la enfermedad celiaca es una intolerancia permanente al gluten
- la mucosa intestinal es atrófica y se recupera con la dieta sin gluten (la
biopsia intestinal ha de tomarse de duodeno o yeyuno proximal)
- la biopsia intestinal debe ser normal antes de la reintroducción del gluten,
tras uno o dos años de dieta
- se produce una recaída histológica antes de dos años de haber
reintroducido el gluten en la dieta.

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Italiană la malattia celiaca è una intolleranza...
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Engleză who am I speaking with
who am I speaking with

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Italiană con chi parlo
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Spaniolă Corazon, no sabes cuanto te echo de menos...Son...
Corazon, no sabes cuanto te echo de menos...Aunque si estamos a miles de kilometros te llevo siempre en mi pensamiento... Te quiero

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Italiană Tesoro, non sai quanto mi manchi..
Albaneză zemër, nuk e si sa me mungon ....
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Engleză Suppose we were happy, Suppose it was true....
Suppose we were happy,
Suppose it was true.
And suppose there were cold nights,
But we somehow made it through
And suppose that I'm nothing without you.

And my eyes are screaming for the sight of you
And tonight I'm dreaming of all the things that we've been through
And I can't hold on to you.
So I guess I feel lonely, too.

I'll stay awake all night.
Allow me to whisper (so softly)

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Suedeză Anta att vi var lyckliga, Anta att det var sant...
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