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Traducerea - Lituaniană-Engleză - Taip. neziuriu pro rozinius akinius i tavo...

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Acest text vă stă la dispoziţie în următoarele limbi: LituanianăEngleză

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Taip. neziuriu pro rozinius akinius i tavo...
Înscris de yndree
Limba sursă: Lituaniană

Taip. neziuriu pro rozinius akinius i tavo gyvenima.jie reikalingi tam, kuris manes nemato.

Buna pasitaiko buna net nereikia taikytis, pagrisk ta ir baik maivytis, nebijok islyst, parodyt savo veid. ar atlaikysi? ar liksi atlieka, tai dilema, tai tavo sansas. ir kas is to jei protas daro savo. ir ka daryti jei jo tu neturi?
Observaţii despre traducere
manau visi zodziai yra suprantami ir juose dviprasmiskumu nera.

Yes, I refuse to look at life through pink glasses.

Tradus de ollka
Limba ţintă: Engleză

Yes, I refuse to look at life through rose-coloured glasses. Only one who doesn't see me needs them.

Things happen, sometimes you don't even need to put up with them, justify that and stop showing off, don't be afraid to come out, show your face. Can you bear it? Will you become obsolete? This is a dilemma, this is your chance. So what if the mind is doing its thing? And what do you do if you have no mind?
Observaţii despre traducere
most of this sounds like gibberish to me, but i did my best
Validat sau editat ultima dată de către lilian canale - 22 Iulie 2008 14:19

Ultimele mesaje


14 Iulie 2008 02:50

lilian canale
Numărul mesajelor scrise: 14972
gibberish or not it is perfect English, the poll!

22 Iulie 2008 12:40

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 21
Excellent job, I agree that it's really hard to translate such kind of text, when it's very difficult to guess what the author meant. One comment - I think that an idiom in the first sentence should be translated as to look or see "through rose-colored glasses", not "through pink glasses". Of course, it's not so important in this case.