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Traducerea - Franceză-Bulgară - 2. statistiques agricoles (type de...

Status actualTraducerea
Acest text vă stă la dispoziţie în următoarele limbi: FrancezăBulgară

Categorie Scrisoare/Email - Afaceri/Locuri de muncă

Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie
2. statistiques agricoles (type de...
Înscris de kran
Limba sursă: Franceză

statistiques agricoles (type de cultures, surfaces, rendements, taille moyenne des exploitations agricole . . . structures existentes qui vendeent les productions agricoles, autres qui fournissent les intrants (=moyens de production comme engrais, produits phytopharmaceutiques ...)
coûts des demandes d'Autorisation de Mise sur le Marché AMM (génériques et parallèles)

Les substances suivantes seront traitées :
Observaţii despre traducere
Буду очень признателен.

Всичко е преведено буквално

Tradus de kozi4ka
Limba ţintă: Bulgară

2. Селскостопански статистики (тип на културите, площи, добив, средна големина на площите, налични организации, които продават селскостопански продукти, други, които доставят съставките - средства за продукция като торове и препарати)
3. Цени на издаване на разрешително за достъп (продажба) на продукти чисти от торове и препарати

Следните съставки ще бъдат третирани :

Всичко е преведено буквално.
Validat sau editat ultima dată de către tempest - 24 Ianuarie 2008 19:27

Ultimele mesaje


23 Ianuarie 2008 20:12

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 87
Francky, do you mind bridging the french text for me - I have some doubts that the bulgarian transl. is wrong but i am not completely sure.

CC: Francky5591

24 Ianuarie 2008 08:57

Numărul mesajelor scrise: 12396
Agricultural statistics (types of cultivation, areas, yields, average size of the farms...existing structures that sell agricultural yields, others that provide "intrants" (=means of yielding as fertlizer, phytopharmacological stuff)
Costs from the authorization requests to commercialize on the "AMM" market (****** and *****)

Following products will be dealt with :

Sorry about the accuracy , I do not particularly taste those specialized translations , then English isn't my mother tongue, so that there might be some unexactly translated terms (although I checked terms used for the agricultural vocabular in my old dictionary )

Hope it helped you anyway, tempest

Best regards!

PS : (forgot to tell : where you see "****", it is that I didn't find the English meaning...