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Texte d'origine - Anglais - To whom it may concern, My company has an...

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Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: AnglaisTurc

Catégorie Lettre / Email - Argent/ Travail

To whom it may concern, My company has an...
Texte à traduire
Proposé par urungu
Langue de départ: Anglais

To whom it may concern,

My company has an interest in acquiring for a new site we want to build. I don't know if you would consider selling it but if so, I'd be happy to make the first offer.

Before I make the offer, can you tell me if there's anything I would need to know about the name? You own it clear and outright, correct? I'm only asking because I'm not sure if I'm even sending this to the right person. If I'm not, can you tell me how I can find them?
Commentaires pour la traduction
Bende bulunan domaini satın almak istiyor sanırım.
3 Février 2012 01:25

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4 Février 2012 16:34

Nombre de messages: 1

8 Février 2012 13:33

Arnavut Biberi
Nombre de messages: 74
I want to translate this text into Turkish, but there is no button, and I have looked at the Completed Translations. This text was not translated, I guess there is a technical problem, could anyone help me please

8 Février 2012 14:36

Nombre de messages: 3389
If you click on the Turkish flag above the translation you will see this has been translated but it has not been evaluated yet; that is why it doesn't come up under 'completed translations'.
If you are in a hurry to have this translation evaluated, maybe ask one of the Turkish experts to look at it?

8 Février 2012 15:02

Arnavut Biberi
Nombre de messages: 74
Ahh.. Thanks a lot Lein, I didn't know that it has been translated, then there is no problem