Cucumis - Senkotiza tradukservo interrete
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Originala teksto - Angla - Email Sweepstakes program

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Tiu teksto haveblas en la sekvaj lingvoj: AnglaTurka

Kategorio Letero / Retpoŝto

Ĉi tiu tradukpeto estas "nur por signifo".
Email Sweepstakes program
Teksto tradukenda
Submetigx per msby
Font-lingvo: Angla

Dear Winner,
Winning Notification
This is to notify you that you have won £850,000.00 in
our online email lottery in which e-mail addresses are
picked randomly by computerised balloting, powered
by the Internet. Your email address was amongst
those chosen for this period.
Rimarkoj pri la traduko
<<I think it's better to warn this user in Turkish that it's a suspicious e-mail, used to make phishing.>>

Laste redaktita de casper tavernello - 15 Julio 2008 01:35