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Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Inglese love to be loved
love to be loved

Traduzioni completate
Ebraico אהבה
Lingua originale
Portoghese brasiliano Deus é a minha Rocha.
Deus é a minha Rocha.
Nessa frase, pretendo traduzir a palavra Deus pelo Deus dos hebreus, o único (me parecem que costumavam chamálo de Senhor ou Jeová). Muito Obrigada.

Traduzioni completate
Ebraico צורי
Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Inglese Hi friend, U must be wander why i can write this...
Hi friend,
U must be wander why i can write this to u. Actually i have learn this everynight so that i can communicate with u in your langguage. I hope u can reply me with the same langguage and i will try my best to do the same.

Traduzioni completate
Tedesco Hallo Freund, du musst erstaunt sein, warum ich dir das schreiben kann...
Persiano سلام دوست من
Ebraico שלום חבר
Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Rumeno Eu aş vrea Aş vrea să fiu o stea Raza ...
Eu aÅŸ vrea
Aş vrea să fiu o stea
Raza mea

Iubirea mea
Va înconjura
Putera mea
Va învinge

Traduzioni completate
Inglese I would like to be a star The beam
Russo Хотел бы я...
Ebraico הייתי רוצה
Lingua originale
Inglese The joyous message A study in the canonizaton of...
The joyous message
A study in the canonizaton of the four gospels of the new testamente
Im writing my masters thesis in early christian history, and would really like, despite my poor classical language skills, the title of the project, in different of the old languages.
The hebrew should probably be adressed to a woman.
Thank you very much..

Traduzioni completate
Latino Nuntius laetus
Ebraico הבשורה
Lingua originale
Inglese God I thank you for my existence
God I thank you for my existence
Hello, would be verry happy if you could translate: "God I thank you for my existence". It shall be tattoed in on my leg so I'll always remember to be greatful.

Traduzioni completate
Ebraico קיומי
10Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".10
Portoghese brasiliano Que seja eterna como Fênix
Que seja eterna como Fênix
A eterna que me refiro é a união entre duas pessoas.
Gostaria de uma tradução em Aramaico e Latim se pudesse!

Traduzioni completate
Latino Sit perpetuum velut Phoenix
Ebraico נצחי
Lingua originale
Inglese פתרון בעיה במחשבים
I think the problem may lie in the fact that you have included (Umar1.h) in the (Umar.h) file. This causes the problem because the (umar1.h) defines the class (Cmar1) which is a decendant of ((Cmar), which is declared in (umar.h.) Now(because you have included (umar1.h) above the declaration for the decendant class (Cmar), the compiler has no idea what a (Cmar )is when it comes to the declaration for (Cmar1.
Try removing the include for (Umar1.h) from umar.h) and betcha that'll do 'er.
מילים שבסוגריים זה שמות -אין צורך לתרגם אותן
תרגום לעברית

Traduzioni completate
Ebraico פתרון בעיה במחשבים
Lingua originale
Inglese Moshe Kadyrov,who is the leader of The Combat and...
Moshe Kadyrov,who is the leader of The Combat and Progress Party which won a 101 seats of the 200 seats,
banishing Between The Coexistence and Peace Party to second party in the Feburary election was requested
formation of his cabinet by President Bagdora ------,and Possibility of his being 18th prime minister of
Khazar confederation became clear...
This text will be used for my fiction story....

To tell the truth,I would like to request of translation and pronuncation(write in english) of The Combat and Progress,The Between Coexistence and Peace Party,and Platinna moutain(I want to give a family name to President Bagdora) ...but only translation of words cannot be requsted....

Traduzioni completate
Ebraico משה קדאירוב, המנהיג של מפלגת...
Lingua originale
Francese NoLove
Je ne veux pas que tu te manifestes à Paris pour moi. Si tu veux venir, ça sera exclusivement pour toi, je n'ai que faire de ton amour et tu l'as compris. Je n'ai besoin de rien, même si tu m'as manqué- Tout ce temps je n'espérais qu'une chose : te faire passer de bons moments, importants ou pas, mais tu as tout pris comme si nous étions deux inconnues qui tendaient à mûrir une relation d amour.

Traduzioni completate
Inglese I don't want you....
Lingua originale
Portoghese brasiliano Prometo amor eterno
Prometo amor eterno
no sentido de amor eterno aos meus pais.

<Bridge> "I promise eternal love" <Lilian>

Traduzioni completate
Latino Promitto amorem aeternum
Arabo أعد بحب ابدي
Ebraico אני מבטיח אהבה נצחית.
Lingua originale
Inglese But we could also meet in Uzhhorod or, for...
But we could also meet in Uzhhorod or Mukachevo, for example.

I could go there by train. It is not that far away.

Traduzioni completate
Russo Встреча
Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Bulgaro Европейският Парламент
Европейският Парламент е институията, която представлява „народите на държавите”, обединени в общността

Traduzioni completate
Turco Avrupa Parlamentosu
Lingua originale
Inglese King Laurin's Hike
King Laurin's Hike each year takes you to food stalls and a display of local traditions at the foot of the Rosengarten Mountains. Unfortunately, in 2008 a group of Schuhplattler dancers from Tramin near Bozen couldn't make it to the valley because of stormy weather in a mountain pass. A local group from Welschnofen stood in for them.

Traduzioni completate
Portoghese As caminhadas King Laurin
Lingua originale
Inglese Variations for tourists
Meanwhile the tourist industry have discovered the Schuhplattler and invented variations to amuse a merry public. Spanking for example, and kicking each other in the ass, have very little to do with tradition. Schuhplattlers danced by girls will attract any sensation-seeking vacationer; however, it may well be the ultimate corruption of its original courtship dance character.

Traduzioni completate
Portoghese Variações para turistas
Lingua originale
Russo Предназначен для лечения и профилактики бегущим...
Предназначен для лечения и профилактики бегущим импульсным магнитным полем в условиях больницы.

Traduzioni completate
Inglese Designed for treatment and prevention
Greco Θεραπεία μέσω παλμικών μαγνητικών πεδίων.
Lingua originale
Italiano VBH
- Mia moglie sta partorendo?
- Mia moglie sta partorendo!

Traduzioni completate
Greco VBH
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