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Testo originale - Inglese - tour group

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Categoria Lettera / Email - Affari / Lavoro

tour group
Aggiunto da Rene1
Lingua originale: Inglese

I hope you have received our mail. We reduced our reservation to 5 twin rooms and 4 single rooms.
Today we would like to give you another update of our bookings.
Until now, 14 people have signed up, requiring 5 rooms with twin beds and 6 rooms for single use.
We would also like to send our second deposit.
In our calculation, two more payments of Euro 857.28 are due.
Can you please reconfirm that the above is correct? As soon as we have your confirmation, we will transfer the deposit.
Note sulla traduzione
Thanks a lot for your translation. Very much appreciated!
1 Agosto 2008 05:08