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Traduzione - Ebraico-Inglese - פעם היה עירקי קטן שגדל וגדל.. העירקי הקטן נודע...

Stato attualeTraduzione
Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: EbraicoInglese

Categoria Umorismo

Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
פעם היה עירקי קטן שגדל וגדל.. העירקי הקטן נודע...
Lingua originale: Ebraico

פעם היה עירקי קטן שגדל וגדל..
העירקי הקטן נודע בשם סדאם...
כשהוא גדל הוא שלח מחבלים ואיים כל הזמן אז אמריקה נכנסה לבונקר שלו ותפסה אותו..
אחריי כמה שעות נמצאו אצלו כינים בזקן..
וגילו שהוא הומו!
Note sulla traduzione

There was once a little Iraqi boy who grew up and up...

Tradotto da BalaganMAD
Lingua di destinazione: Inglese

There was once a little Iraqi boy who grew up and up...
The little Iraqi was known by the name of Sadam...
When he grew up he sent terrorists and threatened all the time, so America went into his bunker and caught him...
After some hours, lice were found in his beard...
And he was discovered to be a gay!
Ultima convalida o modifica di samanthalee - 8 Giugno 2007 04:56