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| | 5 ožujak 2009 21:21 |
|  piasBroj poruka: 8114 | Lena,
jag tror inte vi kommer få in några röster här. Varför ber du inte om en "bro" från "japan-experten"? Jag misstänker att vi lär få vänta i evigheter annars. CC: lenab |
| | 5 ožujak 2009 21:32 |
| | Ja, du har rätt! Ska göra det nu. |
| | 5 ožujak 2009 21:35 |
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| | 6 ožujak 2009 03:04 |
| | Well, the last "suki tte" isn't clear, but I guess we could translate it as
To a person I love (literally, "like" ): "I told you I love (literally, "like" ) you!"
Anyway, the translation is only tentative without more context...
Hope it's helpful! |
| | 6 ožujak 2009 13:34 |
|  piasBroj poruka: 8114 | Lena,
du är fri att avvisa min översättning, om inte annat så kan jag ju korr. den ---> "Jag sa till dig att jag gillar dig."
Thank you Ian ...  |
| | 6 ožujak 2009 15:48 |
| | Korrigera den! Varför avvisa? Det viktiga är ju att det till slut blir rätt, så "the requester" blir nöjd.( Vad säger man på svenska??)  |
| | 6 ožujak 2009 16:31 |
|  piasBroj poruka: 8114 | Hihi ...så att "frågeställaren/efterfrågaren blir nöjd"  eller? |
| | 6 ožujak 2009 16:49 |
|  piasBroj poruka: 8114 | Eller som MO, betydelse..."han/hon som vill ha översättningen"  |
| | 6 ožujak 2009 17:02 |
| | Ja, sååå heter det!
Jag funderar på det första Ian skriver. Undrar om det inte ska vara med (to a person I love/like.) På den sidan du hänvisar till, står det ju "I'll say "I love you" to the person I love". Vad tror du?? De andra experterna har inte svarat än.  |
| | 6 ožujak 2009 17:42 |
|  piasBroj poruka: 8114 | Jag tror att vi kan lita på Ians uttalande
Jag misstolkade nog hans meddelande, så klart skall det vara med! Jag korrigerar .. |
| | 6 ožujak 2009 19:03 |
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| | 6 ožujak 2009 19:43 |
|  piasBroj poruka: 8114 | |
| | 7 ožujak 2009 04:06 |
| | Hi guys,
I noticed an addition at the bottom of the translation now:
"Suki na hito ni wa suki tte (tsutaeru n da)"
This would translate as
"(You should tell) the person you love that you love (him/her)"
This amplified version is in perfect, very natural spoken Japanese!
I wish I had seen this amplified version before!  |
| | 7 ožujak 2009 09:00 |
|  piasBroj poruka: 8114 | Hello Ian, thanks for telling!
I happened to find that "frase" on the net, and since no one else translated this request, I did ...even if I'm NOT familiar with Japanese.
Hm, I don´t know if the whole sentence should be translated? limstift only asked for that first part (suki na hito ni suki tte) But as a matter of fact, she writes in the note that she isn't completely sure if the sentence in Japanese is correct spelled or if she has "mixed" some words ...(wrong order at the words)I guess if that's a common phrase in Japanese, this might be what she wanted to have translated. It's a bit sad, since the requester has not been online for a long time. Others we could ask her.
Lena, what do you say?
| | 7 ožujak 2009 10:19 |
| | I think we listen to Ian! I'll correct it!
As you say the requester was not very sure if the Japanese was good, and Ian thought the sentence is not complete, so... I'll correct it  |
| | 7 ožujak 2009 10:22 |
|  piasBroj poruka: 8114 | I think that was a good decision!
| | 8 ožujak 2009 18:06 |
| | >Lanab-san
Could you excuse me that i could not reply your message?
Ian-sensei have already given advice to this translation.
Very sorry that i could not give you a help. |
| | 8 ožujak 2009 18:39 |
| | No problem!  |