anhörigverksamhet väner sig till som vårdar eller hjälper någon äldre,sjuk eller funktionshindrsd person
vi erbjuder stöd i from av samtal,avlösning och rådgivning.målet med anhörigverksamheten är att allmönheten ska vara informerad om möjligheterna till anhörigstöd så att detta upplevs som varierat och positivt.
Hi elmota, I didn't saw this message until now, sorry for the late reply! There is many errors in this text, maybe it should be set to "meaning only". (?) I can't find a English word for "anhörigverksamhet", but I guess that "Activity for relatives" is about the same meaning.
"Activity for relative is intended to the one who care for or assist someone old, sick or a person with disability.
We offer support as conversation, relieving and advice. The goal with the activity for relative is that the public shall be informed about the possibilities to get support for relative, so this will experience as vary and positive."