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번역 - 영어-아라비아어 - I love HimI love his mother and ...

현재 상황번역
이 본문은 다음 언어들로 가능합니다: 영어아라비아어

분류 시 - 사랑 / 우정

I love HimI love his mother and ...
Aaminah에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 영어

I love Him

I love his mother and father for bringing this beautiful boy to life so that I could meet him.
I love the fact that he came to Sweden.
I love my friends for knowing him and for letting me meet him.
I love Allah for showing me the way to him.

I love him forever, I want to be with him forever or even longer (if possible)
I love him more then life itself!

He is so beautiful that I can't believe he chose me!
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Dialekt från Libyen


غسان المشهداني에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 아라비아어

احب امه و ابوه لانهم جاؤوا بهذا الفتى الجميل للحياه و امكنني لقائه.
احب حقيقه مجيئه الى السويد.
احب اصدقائي لانهم يعرفونه و عرفوني به.
احب الله لانه ارشدني اليه.

احبه للابد, اريد ان اكون معه للابد او اكثر(ان كان ممكنا).
احبه حتى اكثر من الحياه نفسها.
من شدة جماله لا استطيع ان اصدق انه اختارني!
jaq84에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2009년 8월 12일 10:30

마지막 글


2009년 8월 5일 07:56

게시물 갯수: 568
Hello Lilian
"...that he choosed me"!!
In the last line.

CC: lilian canale

2009년 8월 5일 08:03

게시물 갯수: 568
Plus, the header says:
"....I love your mother and your father".
But in the tsxt body we read:
"I love his mother and your father..."
which doesn't make sense.

2009년 8월 5일 09:02

lilian canale
게시물 갯수: 14972
Thanks jaq, fixed

2009년 8월 10일 12:12

게시물 갯수: 568
احب امه و ابوه لانهم جاؤوا بهذا الفتى الجميل للحياه و امكنني لقائه.
احب حقيقه مجيئه الى السويد.
احب اصدقائي لانهم يعرفونه و عرفوني به.
احب الله لانه ارشدني اليه.

احبه للابد, اريد ان اكون معه للابد او اكثر(ان كان ممكنا).
احبه حتى اكثر من الحياه نفسها.
من شدة جماله لا استطيع ان اصدق انه اختارني!

2009년 8월 10일 15:49
Hi guys! Good day to you all
Jaq made a very nice editing to my Arabic translation for this text. For me, looks better now.
Well done Jaq!

2009년 8월 11일 07:33

게시물 갯수: 568
Hello Ghassan
Your translation was good. In fact, I have to admit that I like your translations in general.
The point I was trying make is that we should stick to the written text as much as possible. For example, when you translated it you dropped "...this beautiful boy...".
Second, you said "من كثر جماله" which sounded a bit like informal Arabic. Because in plain Arabic we say "من شدة جماله".
Since you have agreed to my suggested translation, I have edited the text and I'm ready now to accept it.
Well done Ghassan

2009년 8월 11일 08:12
Hi there!
Thanks a lot.