Her insan bir dünyadır. Yıldızlar ve onun yörüngesinde dönüp duran gezegenler, hepsi birbirinin etkisindeler hepsi birbirine bağlı, bir zincir gibi. İnsanlarda böyleymiş aslında; bazıları yıldız, tıpkı güneş gibi; bazılarıda gezegen, dünya gibi. eğer ben bir dünya taşıyorsam yüreğimde, sende benim için bir yıldızsın ve eğer sen kayıp gidersen, benim dünyamda yok olur.
Every person is a world. The stars and the planets which spin on their orbits, they all affect each other. They are all conected like a chain. People are the same; some are stars, like the sun and some are planets, like the earth. If I carry a world in my heart, you are like a star to me and if you go missing, my world will be destroyed.
"Every person is a world.The stars and the planets which spin on their orbits,they all effect themselves,they all are one,like a catena.The people are like this too;some of them are stars, like the sun;and some of them are planets, like the earth.If I am keeping a world in my heart, you are like a star to me and if you slip, my worl will be destroyed."