Да и Ñ, то е в нoрмe. A откуда eто Ñ‚Ñ‹ толькaÑ ÐºÑ€Ð°ÑивaÑ? По чертaми лицa вижy чтo c кaвкaза
Poznámky k překladu
Before edit : "da ia toje v norme. a otkuda eto ti tokaia krasivoa `? po chertam lica viju chto s kavkaza" + <edit> with the proper flag from the source-language<:edit> (08/11/francky thanks to fikomix's notification and edit with the proper script)
try repalcing "normal" by "fine" and "lineaments" by "features". also "where u are so beautiful" sounds more like a word for word translation from Russian. why not making it two sentences, like "you're such a cutie, where are you from?".