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Перевод - Английский-Итальянский - When There is More Beauty in the Contrary

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Категория Вебсайт / Блог / Форум - Искусства / Создание / Воображение

When There is More Beauty in the Contrary
Добавлено salimworld
Язык, с которого нужно перевести: Английский

"When There is More Beauty in the Contrary", Negar and Salim's single released on 1/1/11, is an oud and electric guitar instrumental. It is a portrayal of ancient east versus modern west.

"Combining traditionally dissimilar forces into one cohesive composition", this song reflects its composers' backgrounds in Persian contemporary and progressive rock genres.
Комментарии для переводчика
1. "Single" = Sencillo ( )
2. "When There is More Beauty in the Contrary" is the name of a music single. But I would be thankful if the translation of the title could be also provided in parenthesis.
3. Oud is a musical instrument = (Laúd árabe)

When There is More Beauty in the Contrary

Перевод сделан Efylove
Язык, на который нужно перевести: Итальянский

"When There is More Beauty in the Contrary", il singolo rilasciato da Negar e Salim il 1/1/11, è un pezzo strumentale di oud e chitarra elettrica. È un ritratto dall'antico Oriente in contrapposizione con l'Occidente moderne.

"Combining traditionally dissimilar forces into one cohesive composition", questa canzone riflette il background dei suoi compositori nei generi persiani di rock contemporaneo e rock progressivo.
Комментарии для переводчика
"When There is More Beauty in the Contrary" = "Quando c'è maggior bellezza nel contrario"

"Combining traditionally dissimilar forces into one cohesive composition" = "Combinando forze tradizionalmente dissimili in un'unica composizione coesa"

I've left "background" because it is clear in Italian too. You can translate it with "sottofondi, origini", but it is not as clear as "background".
Последнее изменение было внесено пользователем alexfatt - 3 Июль 2011 20:10

Последнее сообщение


29 Июнь 2011 20:16

Кол-во сообщений: 1538
Ciao Serena!

Che ne pensi di "singolo" invece di "single"? Penso che questo anglicismo si possa evitare...

1 Июль 2011 08:44

Кол-во сообщений: 1015
Ciao alex!
Approvo in pieno!