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10Dịch - French-Romanian - Chers amis, Je vous envoie tous mes voeux...

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Chers amis, Je vous envoie tous mes voeux...
Submitted by lemo8636
Source language: French

Chers amis,

Je vous envoie tous mes voeux sincères pour cette nouvelle année 2007 et je vous embrasse bien fort

Soyez tous heureux et en pleine forme.

A bientôt, David.

Dragi prieteni

Translated by iepurica
Target language: Romanian

Dragi prieteni,

Vă doresc toate cele bune pentru acest nou an 2007.
Cele mai bune urări.

Ne vedem curând, David
Remarks about the translation
My translation was done according to one of the English translations. I looked a little bit to the French text, it seems that the translation is not quite 100% exact, but I will modify it in the moment the right English translation occures.
Validated by iepurica - 9 Tháng 1 2007 15:50