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Source language
Turks varmı lan benim gibi hayatını aşkına adayan
varmı lan benim gibi hayatını aşkına adayan

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Est ce qu'il y a quelqu'un
Engels Man, is there anyone else ?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hongaars Boldog boldog boldog .... szuletesnapot :)...
Boldog boldog boldog .... szuletesnapot :)
Remelem meleg oleleseket kapsz ... az egyik legjobb ajandek. Es konnyu viszonozni ;)
En csak tavolbol kuldok egyet ... majd nyaron atadom szemelyesen!

Itt a nyár!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hat akkor jovok ... es olellek. Majus 18-25 :) ... akkor mar biztos nyar van ... es cseresznye!

Vertalings gedaan
Sweeds Grattis grattis grattis ... på födelsedagen :)
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turks etme siz insanmısnızz nece konuyonuz oyle
Etme, siz insan mısınız nece konuşuyorsunuz öyle?

Vertalings gedaan
Brasiliaanse Portugees Tá brincando...
Source language
Yslands Ábúendur á Þorvaldseyri
Ábúendur á Þorvaldseyri hafa tilkynnt þeir ætli að gera hlé á búskap sínum.

Vertalings gedaan
Sweeds Arrendatorerna på Þorvaldseyri har meddelat att de tänker ta en paus från jordbruket.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turks evet sana kızgın deyildim işe gec ...
Evet sana kızgın değildim işe geç kalmıştım ve her tarafım tutulmuş ağrıyordu. Evet öyle ben de gülümseyerek hatırlıyorum eee bu aralar ne yapıyorsun?
b.edit: evet sana kızgın deyildim işe gec kalmışrım ve her tarafım tutulmuş agrıyordu evet öyle bende gülümseyerek hatırlıyorum eee bu ara ne yapıyorsun/cheesecake

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Yes, I wasn't mad at you.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Masedonies И јас сакам ти да спиеш со 'eiswman', ...
И јас сакам ти да спиеш со 'eiswman', многу ми недостигаш, ајде дојди тука кај мене.

Before edit : "I jas cum cakam ti na spije co eiswman, mi falis ti mnogun ajde dojdi pa tuka co mi."<edit></edit> (06/07/francky thanks to Galka who provided us with the version in cyrillic characters)

To translators : The word (or name) between quotation marks is not to be translated, please leave it as it is in the original, thank you.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels I also want you to sleep with 'eiswman'...
Spaans Yo también quiero que duermas con 'eiswman'...
10Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".10
Bulgaars харесаха ли ти снимките който ти пратих.надявам...
харесаха ли ти снимките който ти пратих.надявам се да си разбрал това което ти писах на английски.както ти казах и аз знам малко турски

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Did you like the pictures I sent you? I hope
Turks Sana yolladığım resimleri beğendin mi? Umarım...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels Right actions for the future are the best...
Right actions for the future are the best apologies for wrong ones in the past.I am praying God so you may understand it.

Vertalings gedaan
Tagalogies Ang mga tamang desisyon para sa ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Nederlands was ik gelukig. Ook was het mooi geweest als de...
was ik gelukkig... Ook was het mooi geweest als de nacht veel langer had kunnen zijn, om nog veel meer van jou te ondekken.
dit is een antwoord op " Gecen hafta bu saatte burdaydin"

Vertalings gedaan
Engels the night should have been longer
Turks O kadar mutluydum ki...
Source language
Turks tamam canim sen nasil istersen kendine cok iyi...
tamam canim sen nasil istersen kendine cok iyi bak bende seni seviyorum amor.

Vertalings gedaan
Spaans Okey..
Engels I love you too,
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Engels Farming the wilderness
Member Nirakanai suggested that we send this mail to all of you guys to make sure that everyone knows the benefits of farming wilderness.

1) You immediately loot an amount of resources from that wilderness. The higher the lvl of the wild, the bigger the loot! Also if you attack a lvl 2 or higher, you have the chance to loot useful items or even luxury goods!

2) Collect the aglets. When you maraud a lvl 1-3 you gain one gray aglet, while lvl 4-7 give you one yellow aglet. If you gather 5 gray aglets you can give them and gain 1x mini pack of captives, and with 20 more aglets you can get 3x mini packs of captives. The same goes with yellow aglets, 5 for 1x medium pack, and 20 for 3x medium packs. In order to trade your aglets for troops, go to the quests menu, click "Daily barter quests" and then "Rebel Aglet".

Make sure you are not going against a wilderness that is too strong for your army. You might lose more troops that the pack will give you.That's all.

Keep farming guys!
The word "nirakanai" is a name and should not be translated.

Vertalings gedaan
Spaans Sembrar (en) la selva
Source language
Deens hvor henne ligger der et toilet
hvor henne ligger der et toilet

Vertalings gedaan
Nederlands Waar is de wc?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Afrikaans Hukm boetYes boeta hu ganit? Ag mar ...
Hukm boet
Yes boeta hu ganit? Ag mar net babalas en miss vi sy!
Lui di klokie

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Why brother? Yes brother, how are things? Oh just...
Duits Warum?
Nederlands Waarom?
Source language
Engels Who shines white light and wants to show How...
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.
And she`s buying a stairway to heaven.
"In a tree by the brook there`s a song bird who sings."

Vertalings gedaan
Romeens Care străluceşte cu lumină albă şi vrea să arate Cum...
Source language
Nederlands As werets heer den dovel loopt seer ...
As werets heer den dovel loopt seer omte verslinnen
Wy chrysten carpeens wylt stryt beginnen
moet mogelijk zijn:

As werelts heer den duvel loopt seer omte verslinnen
Wy chrysten schapen wylt stryt beginnen

Vertalings gedaan
Deens NÃ¥r verdens herre...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Bosnies Aa dusha moa volim i ja tebe punooo moi lijepooki
Aa dusha moa volim i ja tebe punooo moi lijepooki
aa dusha moa volim i ja tebe punooo moi lijepooki..:D..:*♥

Vertalings gedaan
Turks Aa canım benim, ben de seni çok seviyorum. Benim güzel gözlüm.
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