Sometimes late at night I lie awake and watch her sleeping. She's lost in peaceful dreams, so I turn out the lights and lay there in dark and the thought crosses my mind if I never wake up in the morning. Would she ever doubt the way I feel about her in my heart? If tomorrow never comes, will she know how much I loved her? Did I try in every way to show her every day that she's my only one?
Remarks about the translation
The text is from the song "If tomorrow never comes". It´s my boyfriends and my song. I want to sing it for him in Polish, because he came from Poland.
"Ela está perdida em sonhos tranqüilos/serenos,
então eu apago as luzes e fico (lá) no escuro
e um pensamento cruza a minha mente:
e se eu não acordar pela manhã ?."
I think that adding a "Será que" to the beginning of the questions "Ela duvidaria.." and "Eu tentei" would maybe be better, because doing so, the person who reads it start reading this question with the "question-tone" in mind. It's just a small detail.