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Translation - Koreaans-Engels - 뭐하긴 열심히 일하지 서울가려고 ^^

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: KoreaansEngels

Category Letter / Email - Daily life

This translation request is "Meaning only".
뭐하긴 열심히 일하지 서울가려고 ^^
Submitted by santamaria
Source language: Koreaans

뭐하긴 열심히 일하지 서울가려고 ^^ 서울 조만간 갈꺼야 아마도 여름에...
넌 뭐하는데 연락이 통 없어? 남친이랑 연애하느라 바쁜거삼?ㅋ
쉬엄쉬엄해. 그런데 넌 미국은 안와? 어머니 여기에 계신데 안보러오는거야?

What am I doing? I am working hardly to go to Seoul ^^

Translated by aquila_trans
Target language: Engels

What am I doing? I am working hard to go to Seoul ^^ I am going to Seoul soon, probably this summer...
What are you doing then - why there is no message? Are you too busy with your boyfriend? ^^ Take it easy. But aren't you coming to America? You aren't coming to see your mother even though she is here?
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur samanthalee - 7 August 2007 09:42

Last messages


6 August 2007 16:21

Number of messages: 7963
Hello aquila_trans

I made a few edits here - could you check to see that it is still correct?

7 August 2007 09:16

Number of messages: 42
thanks a lot, forgive my poor english

7 August 2007 09:42

Number of messages: 235
Dear aquila_trans

You were showing favourism ; you capitalised Seoul, but you didn't capitalise America.

7 August 2007 10:17

Number of messages: 42
good. I am sorry, but I have one question. I requested translations from EN to Turkish, and some member did them. But I can't accept theri translation, do you know how?

7 August 2007 15:47

Number of messages: 7963
1) The Turkish translations will be evaluated by the Turkish expert(s).

2) Your English was fine - you don't need to apologize for that!

3) What does ^^ mean?