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زبان مبداء
زبان مقصد

105991 درحدود 3040 - 3021 نتایج
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زبان مبداء
اسپانیولی Frase para mi hija.
Tu recuerdo será mi inmortalidad.

Yo seré inmortal en tu recuerdo
Quiero expresar que el recuerdo que mi hija tenga de mí hará que sea inmortal de alguna manera.

ترجمه های کامل
لاتین Memoria tua immortalitas mea erit.
زبان مبداء
انگلیسی He publicised some new findings on the propert...
He publicised some new findings on the properties of numbers by an unknown amateur who would end up rivalling Descartes as the greatest mathematician of his time,Pierre de Fermat

ترجمه های کامل
ترکی Zamanının en iyi matematikçisi...
زبان مبداء
انگلیسی A multi active soil conditioner with triple...
A multi active soil conditioner with triple action. SIRENE Enhances the soil structure by improving the water holding capacity,the aeration and the root system development;High content of high quality organic matter compared to other organic fertilizers.SIRENE Increases water and nutrients up taking through a healthier root system.Protects the nutrients of the chemical fertilizers from leaching;Increases the absorption coefficient of the chemical fertilizers from 30-40% to 60-70%.
bir gübrenin tanıtımıyla ilgili bir çeviri. SIRENE ismi gübrenin adı olarak kullanılmıştır.Fakat gübrenin gerçek ismi değildir.

ترجمه های کامل
زبان مبداء
انگلیسی For accounting records maintained ...
For accounting records maintained in historical cost terms, non-monetary balance sheet items are restated to current monetary units by applying a general price index. Monetary items need no restatement as they are already expressed in monetary units current at the balance sheet date. each item in the income statement needs to be restated by applying the change in the general price index from the date when that item was initially recorded.
Muhasebe finansman ile ilgili bir paragraftır.

ترجمه های کامل
ترکی Tutulan muhasebe kayıtları için...
زبان مبداء
انگلیسی pets/kittens
Both of them are very sweet and extremely affectionate. They love to curl up on your lap or sit on your shoulder and they purr almost all the time. Shipping to Paris is included in their price.

ترجمه های کامل
فرانسوی ils sont tous les deux très doux et très
زبان مبداء
انگلیسی Predictions of not finishing better than halfway...
Predictions of not finishing better than halfway up the division this season look to be more accurate for Kaplanlar as their recent slump continues.
Fm 2012 adlı futbol manejerlik oyununu Türkçe'ye çeviriyoruz. %90 oranında bitirdik ve sadece zor cümleler kaldı. Cümleler futbol ile ilgilidir. Bana verilen ve çevirmekte zorlandığım son 6 parçadan biri. Yardımlarınız için şimdiden teşekkürler.

ترجمه های کامل
ترکی Kaplanların ani düşüşünün devam etmesi...
زبان مبداء
این درخواست ترجمه "فقط معنی" می باشد.
انگلیسی Stop those irritating and costly external leaks...
Stop those irritating and costly external leaks before your unit is fitted into the car by using a simple method of "Air decay". Simply feed a regulated low pressure air supply.
Into the transmission and torque converter, normaly via the breather. Seal all open areas using either the original par tor alternatively suitable bung. When the unit reaches pressure close off the tap and walt to see if the gauge decreases even the smallest leaks show up very quickly.
Otomobil parçaları ile ilgili bir metin.

ترجمه های کامل
ترکی Bu rahatsız edici ve baÅŸ belası harici kaçakları durdurun...
زبان مبداء
انگلیسی We have to spend time together.
We have to spend time together.

ترجمه های کامل
ترکی Birlikte zaman geçirmeliyiz.
زبان مبداء
انگلیسی Welcome to a.k.a. the "Queersong Project"...
Welcome to a.k.a. the "Queersong Project" - A collection of Queer songs from all over the world

Queer or Gay Songs are songs that have become popular in the GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender) population. A subset of these songs are not only popular but have some extra qualities that make them universal Gay Anthems for the GLBT community.

The "Queersong Project" is a project whose goal is not so much to build up a list of songs that are universally popular in the GLBT community but to add to the latter a list of songs from your city, your geographical region, your country that are not necessarily known worldwide.
Of course, if I have forgotten to mention an internationally popular song, you're more than welcome to bring it to my attention, but if you know any songs that are or were very popular in the past decades in the gay clubs of your country, your geographical region or even just the city you live in, please send an email to:

<email here>

indicating as much information as possible (title, artist and especially a YouTube or any other link where it is possible to listen to the song and view its music video if there is one).
The song has to be a cult song for all the gay people from your area/country. It could be a song that Drag Queens from your country perform or would perform in their shows or a song that generates merriment, excitement, a dance euphoria in gay clubs or at gay pride parades or maybe a song performed by your national Gay Icons, but most importantly, the song should belong to one or more of the categories accessible from the link below.

We can make local and national songs become popular worldwide and spread gay culture. Thank you !

Read about the categories that make a song popular in the GLBT community.
"Queersong" shouldn't be translated and so the word "Queer" referred to songs...
For Dutch... I prefer the Dutch spoken in Holland

ترجمه های کامل
زبان مبداء
این درخواست ترجمه "فقط معنی" می باشد.
انگلیسی (note: Wednesday night 11:00pm PST update): To...
(note: Wednesday night 11:00pm PST update):

To clarify - the patch itself (version 76) doesn't actually perform the Punkbuster update, it only changes our game so that it can use the update from the Punkbuster side. We are now waiting for PB to push the change live on their end, and once their systems have been updated as well, then we expect the stuttering issue to be resolved.
Oyun için gerekli..

ترجمه های کامل
ترکی (Not: ÇarÅŸamba, gece 11.00, PST güncelleÅŸtirmesi)
زبان مبداء
انگلیسی Despite being tipped for a season spent in...
Despite being tipped for a season spent in mid-table though, Kaplanlar still sit in the promotion places of their division despite this run of bad form.

Fans must be hoping that the team's slack results of late are only a minor blip in what has otherwise been a great start to the campaign.
Fm 2012 adlı futbol manejerlik oyununu Türkçe'ye çeviriyoruz. %90 oranında bitirdik ve sadece zor cümleler kaldı. Cümleler futbol ile ilgilidir. Yardımlarınız için şimdiden teşekkürler.

ترجمه های کامل
ترکی Sezonu ligin orta sıralarında bitirir...
زبان مبداء
این درخواست ترجمه "فقط معنی" می باشد.
انگلیسی 1.A Euro 6 standard should only be set now if it...
1.A Euro 6 standard should only be set now if it gets EU standards before 2012
in line with Californian and US standards (which also includes technology- and
fuel neutral standards and a NOX standard of maximum 40 mg/km). If the standards
are less ambitious it’s better to await a new proposal from the Commission.
In terms of timing, Euro 5 should enter into force in 2008 and Euro 6 in 2011;

ترجمه های کامل
ترکی EÄŸer Euro 6 standardı...
زبان مبداء
یونانی Μέσα στο μυαλό μου έχω πια τη σιγουριά ότι μπορώ...
Θέλω να μάθω να πετάω... να μπορώ να ξεφεύγω... πόσο ελεύθερα μπορεί να νιώθουν τα πουλιά; Να μπορώ να πετάγομαι στη σκέψη σου... να ζωγραφίζω τη μορφή μου για να ξέρω πως θα είμαι εκεί... Μου λείπεις και δεν μπορώ να στο πω... δεν μπορώ... και ξέρω πως σου λείπω και εσένα... μη με ρωτάς πώς το ξέρω... μη με ρωτάς γιατί... Στα συναισθήματα μπορείς να επιβάλεις σιγή... Δεν μπορείς όμως να βάλεις όρια...

ترجمه های کامل
ترکی (Bunları yapabileceÄŸimden) eminim artık...
زبان مبداء
انگلیسی D. Public Response to the City Vision - by Tel...
D. Public Response to the City Vision -
by Tel Aviv Yafo residents and other stakeholders, to whom
a snapshot of the City Vision, together with an attached
questionnaire, was circulated ,with a request for feedback

ترجمه های کامل
ترکی City Vision’a Halk Yanıtı
زبان مبداء
این درخواست ترجمه "فقط معنی" می باشد.
پرتغالی برزیل Somos Divinos no interior
Somos Divinos no interior

ترجمه های کامل
لاتین Intus divini sumus.
زبان مبداء
این درخواست ترجمه "فقط معنی" می باشد.
هلندی lieve melida.
lieve melida.

je bent echt mijn aller beste vriendin
aan jou durf ik alles te vertellen.
ik hou van je schatje echt waar.
ik ben er altijd voor je , je kan me echt vertrouwen.
je betekend heel veel voor mij.
je bent altijd super lief en gezellig.
jou wil ik nooit meer kwijt.
later als we oud zijn , zijn we vast en zeker nog beste vriendinnen!
ik zal je nooit in de steek laten.

ترجمه های کامل
صربی Draga Melida,
زبان مبداء
این درخواست ترجمه "فقط معنی" می باشد.
پرتغالی برزیل Nada se cria,nada se perde,tudo se transforma
Nada se cria,nada se perde,tudo se transforma

ترجمه های کامل
فرانسوی Rien ne se crée, rien ne se perd, tout se transforme
لاتین Nihil creatur, nihil destruitur, omnia evolvuntur.
زبان مبداء
بلغاری Аз вярвам в Божествения дух,разум и сила!...
Аз вярвам в Божествения дух, разум и сила!
Здраве, богатство, любов, идеална себереализация!
Аз вярвам в Господ!

ترجمه های کامل
انگلیسی I believe in the divine spirit
لاتین Credo in eum spiritum divinum...
یونانی Πιστεύω στο θεϊκό πνεύμα
عبری אמונה
زبان مبداء
انگلیسی ‎''Someday, someone will best us. But it won't...
‎''Someday, someone will best us. But it won't be today, and it won't be you.''

ترجمه های کامل
لاتین Aliquando aliquis nos superabit.
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