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ترجمه - صربی-فرانسوی - ovde je prelepo,uživam u sučevim zracima i toplom...

موقعیت کنونیترجمه
این متن به زبانهای زیر قابل دسترسی می باشد: صربیفرانسوی

طبقه زندگی روزمره - کودکان و نوجوانان

ovde je prelepo,uživam u sučevim zracima i toplom...
robertokamalejo پیشنهاد شده توسط
زبان مبداء: صربی

Ovde je prelepo.Volela bih da zajedno uživamo u sučevim zracima i toplom moru.Želim da znaš da mislim na tebe.Sledeće godine bismo mogle da idemo zajedno.Volela bih da posetimo neku državu u kojoj ranije nismo bile i upoznamo nove ljude.Želim da zajedno sa mnom otkrijes lepote novih predela.

c'est merveilleux ici, je profite des rayons de soleil et de la mer chaude

anazoe ترجمه شده توسط
زبان مقصد: فرانسوی

C´est merveilleux ici. J´aimerais qu´on puisse profiter ensemble des rayons du soleil et de la mer chaude. Je veux que tu saches que je pense à toi. L'année prochaine j'aimerais qu'on y aille ensemble. J'aimerais visiter un pays où nous ne sommes pas encore allées et rencontrer des gens nouveaux. J'aimerais que tu découvres avec moi la beauté des paysages nouveaux.
آخرین دارای اعتبار یا ویرایش شده توسط Francky5591 - 8 دسامبر 2009 21:41

آخرین پیامها


8 دسامبر 2009 11:49

تعداد پیامها: 1206
L'année prochaine j'aimerais qu'on y aille ensemble - L'année prochaine nous pourrons y aller ensemble

8 دسامبر 2009 12:03

تعداد پیامها: 12396
Thanks marija!

About tenses used, in French it is better to use conditional, as it seems the holidays planning isn't stated yet, although there is a will to renew the pleasant experience of the past year with the addressee.

Apart from that, do you think this translation is matching the meaning from the original text?

"C´est merveilleux ici. J´aimerais qu´on puisse profiter ensemble des rayons de soleil et de la mer chaude. Je veux que tu saches que je pense à toi. L'année prochaine nous pourrions y aller ensemble. J'aimerais qu'on visite un pays ou nous ne sommes pas allées avant et que nous rencontrions des gens nouveaux. J'aimerais que tu découvres avec moi la beauté de nouveaux paysages."

and also a detail : writer's gender and addressee's gender : two girls, or a girl writing to a guy? (in the latter case it would be "...un pays où nous ne sommes pas allés..."

8 دسامبر 2009 13:45

تعداد پیامها: 7

Reading the text in Serbian, it is quite clear that a girl is writing to a girl - for example, in the conditional "bismo mogle", the paticiple is in pl. feminin.

I also think that the conditional should be translated by its equivalent- the conditional, not the future tense.

8 دسامبر 2009 14:05

تعداد پیامها: 12396
Hi anazoe, thanks for the lesson in Serbian, I didn't know about genders in the original text.

About tenses, I didn't know conditional was used in the Serbian version, but one thing is sure, conditional is used in the French version, and it is the right tense to use for such circumstances as "things one would like to do next year" future tense wouldn't be appropriate, you're right.

Do you agree with my edit on the French version :

I replaced "J'aimerais qu'on visite un pays ou nous ne sommes pas allées avant et rencontrer des gens nouveaux." by "j'aimerais que nous visitions un pays où nous ne sommes pas encore allées, et que nous rencontrions des gens nouveaux"?

Use of the infinitive in the second proposition is not appropriate, then either you use "on", or you use "nous", knowing "nous" is more correct here, "on" would rather be used (correctly) in a more general context.

8 دسامبر 2009 17:44

تعداد پیامها: 7
I agree with the use of ENCORE instead of AVANT,(even though AVANT is not incorect) and yes, the infinitive RENCONTRER was indeed a mistake.
As for ON, as it is abondantly used in informal French (and I think those sentences are of that type), I don´t think it would be a mistake to keep it. NOUS is of course grammmatically more correct.

8 دسامبر 2009 18:03

تعداد پیامها: 1206
Sorry Franck, it's my mistake, it's conditional in Serbian too. I agree with with all your changes.
The rest is OK!

8 دسامبر 2009 21:52

تعداد پیامها: 12396
Actually, I edited in another way, closer to the way anazoe translated (use of the infinitive in the first and second propositions from the 5th sentence, that lets it be shorter and clearer than use of the subjonctive.

What I meant this early afternoon about replacing the infinitive by the subjonctive is because the first proposition had a conjugated verb at the subjunctive, and the second one had an infinitive. This is not correct. But if you use infinitive in both propositions, then it's ok, there is a balance if you see what I mean, and this evening I came to believe this text would definitely be lighter with the infinitive.

9 دسامبر 2009 13:42

تعداد پیامها: 7

J'aimerais visiter un pays où nous ne sommes pas encore allées et rencontrer des gens nouveaux.

because infinitive is used when the subject of the verb in the infinitive is the same as the one in the main sentence... which is not the case here, because thae girl says she would like them BOTH to see new countries and meet new people...

to me, there can only be 2 subjunctives in those sentences!

9 دسامبر 2009 13:58

تعداد پیامها: 12396
Yes, anazoe, I confirm infinitive is correctly used here. If infinitive doesn't formally recognize both actors of the described action, the context does ("L'année prochaine j'aimerais qu'on y aille ensemble. J'aimerais visiter un pays où nous ne sommes pas encore allées et rencontrer des gens nouveaux. J'aimerais que tu découvres avec moi la beauté des paysages nouveaux."

Everything is fine with this text, I can assume what I said in my preview post, don't worry, I'm a native speaker of the French language.