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Translation - Francuski-Engleski - Tom téléphone à Lucy

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: FrancuskiEngleski

Category Word

Tom téléphone à Lucy
Submitted by Bousquet
Source language: Francuski

Tom téléphone à Lucy

Tom phones Lucy

Translated by steffy 1
Target language: Engleski

Tom calls Lucy
Remarks about the translation
Tom calls Lucy / Tom phones Lucy
Validated by Lein - 27 January 2014 14:47

Last messages


24 January 2014 12:09

Number of messages: 12396
Or "Tom calls Lucy", or "Tom is calling Lucy" maybe?
It's about a phonecall.
personally I would use "call", but I'm not a native English speaker and I can't assume it would be better than Steffy's version, this is why I clicked on "I don't know"

25 January 2014 00:03

steffy 1
Number of messages: 24
You're certainly agree , Francky ....I was inattentive. So , I should write
" Tom calls Lucy ". Thanks for your opinion.

25 January 2014 21:37

Number of messages: 39
Tom Lucy phone.

25 January 2014 22:51

steffy 1
Number of messages: 24
I don't think so, Valkiri.