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10Translation - English-Latin - May your enemies run far away from you. If you...

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Category Literature - Daily life

May your enemies run far away from you. If you...
Submitted by veronica85
Source language: English

May your enemies run far away from you.
If you acquire riches, may they remain yours always.
Your beauty will be that of Apsara.
Wherever you may go, many will attend, serve and protect you, surrounding you on all sides
Remarks about the translation
Apsara Is a celestial dancer in Khmer mythology

inimici remanebunt

Translated by jufie20
Target language: Latin

Velint inimici furtim discedere,
simulatque semel opulentus eris, inimici remanebunt semper.
Pulchritudo tua erit ea unae Apsara
Quocumque vades, multi expectabunt, ministrabunt et custodient te, circumfundentes te undique

Remarks about the translation
Apsaras sind Halbgötter. Das Wort ist indeklinabel, daher wurde das Zahlwort "unae" eingefügt.
Validated by jufie20 - 13 October 2008 20:00