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Translation - Swedish-Latin - Du har tagit mitt hjärta med en enda blick

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: SwedishLatin

Category Poetry - Love / Friendship

Du har tagit mitt hjärta med en enda blick
Submitted by sephya
Source language: Swedish

Du har tagit mitt hjärta med en enda blick

Tu uno aspectu cor meum rapuisti.

Translated by alexfatt
Target language: Latin

Tu uno aspectu cor meum rapuisti.
Remarks about the translation
<Bridge by pias>

"You have ravished my heart with one single glance."
Validated by Aneta B. - 1 January 2011 20:04

Last messages


1 January 2011 19:13

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Ciao Alex! Benvenuto nel anno nuovo!

You know, cor meum eripuisti" means rather "you pulled my heart out" I'd replace "eripuisti" with "rapuisti"...

Sei d'accordo con me?

2 January 2011 15:25

Number of messages: 1538
Cześć, Aneto! Mam nadzieję, że spędzałaś bardzo dobrego sylwestra...

I'm still not used to these nuances of meaning. Prefixes like ab, ad, ex do drive me crazy.
However I agree with you. The basic idea of "ravishing" is well represented by the verb rapio, which is the Latin ancestor of to ravish I suppose.

Please let me know if my Polish needs to be corrected, dear.

1 January 2011 20:03

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Il tuo polacco è eccellente, il mio grande traduttore! Solo "Sylwester" si scrive con la lettera maiuscola... "Sylwester" è un nome maschile. Nel 31 dicembre Sylwester festeggia le sue "imieniny" (nameday)...

Bardzo dziękuję. Mój Sylwester był całkiem udany... A jak ty go spędziłeś?

1 January 2011 21:10

Number of messages: 1538
Ja też spędziłem wspaniałego Sylwestra z moją dziewczyną i moimi przyjaciółmi, dziękuję bardzo.

1 January 2011 21:19

Number of messages: 1538
Oh, dziękuję za link też. To bardzo ciewakie!

1 January 2011 21:26

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487
Oh, dziękuję też za link. To bardzo ciekawe!

Ma la tua prima frase è scritta correttamente! Veramente meraviglioso!

1 January 2011 22:01

Number of messages: 1538

Anche il tuo Italiano è meraviglioso, Aneta!

1 January 2011 22:07

Aneta B.
Number of messages: 4487