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208 Мова оригіналу Esperando resposta Gostaria de saber se vai ser possÃvel responder à s minhas perguntas por e-mail e até quando posso esperar pelas respostas, que são muitos importantes para o desenvolvimento da matéria. Se a senhora me garantir as respostas, posso esperar até sábado.
Завершені переклади Expecting a response | |
219 Мова оригіналу Dialogos Como é o clima no Brasil? Norte é quente. Sul é frio. Entao é contrario do Japao, nao é? Sim, éssa epoca é quente.
Cadê aquele sapato que você comprou outro dia? Eu vou trocar. Está um pouco apertado. Será que eles trocam? Se levar a nota fiscal eles trocam.
e significa eh.. Завершені переклади Dialogue 対話 | |
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178 Мова оригіналу astrologus in puteum non cecidisset,nisi stellas... astrologus in puteum non cecidisset,nisi stellas adspexisset. si discipuli hunc librum legent,magister gaudebit. si nuntii tristes erant,omnes milites tacebant. si vis me flere,dolendum est primum ipsi tibi. memoria,-ae-memorie, memory si-daca, if
Utilizaţi acest link dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti. http://romanian.typeit.org
Завершені переклади Conditions Conditions CondiÅ£ii | |
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160 Мова оригіналу partie 1 - info X-Shot II xs2 est un jeu de shoot développé à l'aide du logiciel Rpgmaker XP. Créé à la suite d'une traduction d'un créateur de shoots sous rmxp, une démo japonaise, qui, bien que basique aura donné beaucoup d'idées. La traduction japonaise doit se faire en caractères latins si possible. Pensez à précisez le nom sous lequel vous voulez apparaître dans les crédits du jeu (qui sortira en fin Juin je pense =D) Завершені переклади partida 1 - info X-Shot II Part1 - X-Shot II Info Teil1 - X-Shot II Info | |
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395 Мова оригіналу Financial independence without much expenditure... !!!!ATTENTION!!!! Financial independence without much expenditure and risk! Did you hear already once of products, with which money becomes "PRINTED"? No? Then you take the time and read on yourselves! For you waits a money machine, which is not only effectively, but also still charming and funny. It is really worth, I promises it you. The large surprise first: from 35 euro 400,000 euro more already become and into that first 7 months
Завершені переклади Fazla masrafa girmeden | |
351 Мова оригіналу THE COLDEST PLACE ON EARTH At the... THE COLDEST PLACE ON EARTH At the south pole today there is a building called the Amundsen-Scott Station.Inside the building it is warm and people live and work there both in summer and in winter.Planes fly easily to and from the station and the rest of the world is only a few hours a way.But walk five hundred metres away from the station,and Antartica is once again the coldest,emptiest place on earth. Завершені переклади Antarktika | |
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400 Мова оригіналу recep meraklı Hail bacyo5423! Thank you for contacting the Knight Online support Team. However we are unable to determine the nature of your inquiry. If you may please restate the issue and be as specific as possible on a new ticket, we will be more than happy to assist you. If your issue pertains to another account or other characters please say so. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. Thank you for your patience and understanding. -Knight Online Customer Support Team Завершені переклади Recep Meraklı | |