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Translation - Latin-English - Et quacumque viam dederit fortuna sequamur

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Et quacumque viam dederit fortuna sequamur
Submitted by Lev van Pelt
Source language: Latin

Et quacumque viam dederit fortuna sequamur

And whatever route fortune provides...

Translated by Lev van Pelt
Target language: English

And whatever route fortune provides, we shall follow.
Remarks about the translation
This wise sentence from Virgil's Aeneid was quoted by Jules Verne in "Voyage au Centre de la Terre" (last line of chapter XI). Verne does not give a French translation for it, and I won't dare to try one myself, as requested. But, as I love Virgil almost as much as I love Verne, I feel like supplying this English version (and another in Catalan elsewhere)...
Validated by lilian canale - 26 December 2012 15:37