Oui, Francky!
I agree with you that hazard (or whatever) has worked rightly this time

. Once again!
In fact, when translating this short, easy sentence, I have doubted to write "peu à peu, on va loin" (in Italian, one says: "piano piano, si va lontano" or "chi va piano, va lontano", and I would have used one of these ways as the first option, and not "passo a passo, etc." )
In fact, I have even considered to write this as a remark (I mean about "peu à peu..." ), but I was not sure that this way was much used in France (I hope you will tell me about this. Yes,...I do want to become someday a "forgeron" regarding French

In Catalan, apart from the literal "pas a pas, hom va lluny" (or "pas a pas, es va lluny", one may say as well: "poc a poc/ poc a poquet/ s'arriba lluny".
A most interesting and illustrative chat, Francky... Truly a pleasure, as usual!