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翻译 - 塞尔维亚语-英语 - Cao Tina!Sta radis?Kako si?Sta ima kod...

本文可用以下语言: 塞尔维亚语英语法语

讨论区 灌水

Cao Tina!Sta radis?Kako si?Sta ima kod...
提交 ixy91
源语言: 塞尔维亚语

Cao Tina!Sta radis?Kako si?Sta ima kod tebe?Odavno mi nisi pisala,pa sam zbog toga ja resila da pisem tebi!Kako je u skoli,jesi li nasla decka?Kod mene je sve po starom.Malo ucim,malo se odmaram...Ovih dana je bila berba,steta sto nismo bile zajedno,super bi se provele!Sta rade tvoji?Pozdravi ih puno,i molim te odgovori mi na ovo pismo!!!Jedva cekam da te vidim i da se lepo ispricamo!Svima nam nedostajes!!!Ljubi te tvoja drugarica pa se vidimo...Puno pozdrava!

Hi Tina! What are you doing? How are you? What's up?

翻译 lakil
目的语言: 英语

Hi Tina! What are you doing? How are you? What's up? You haven't written to me for a long time, so I decided to write to you instead! How's school, have you found a boyfriend? The same old stuff with me. I study a little, and rest a little...The past couple of days was harvest time, too bad that we were not together; we would have had a great time! How's your family doing? Say hello to them for me please, and please respond to this letter!!! I can't wait to see you and to speak to you again! We miss you all!!! Kisses from your girlfriend...Best Regards!
IanMegill2认可或编辑 - 2007年 十月 21日 10:49



2007年 十月 19日 16:11

文章总计: 1671
Original form of translation:
Hi Tina! What are you doing? How are you? What’s up? You haven’t written to me for a long time, so I decided to write to you instead. How’s school? Have you found a boyfriend? The same old with me. I study a little, and rest a little….The past couple of days was harvest time, too bad that we were not together; we would have had a great time! How’s your family doing? Say I said hello, please and please respond to this letter!!! I can’t wait to see you and to speak to you again. We miss you all!!! Kisses from your girlfriend…Best Regards!

2007年 十月 19日 16:41

文章总计: 249
Great. Thanks for editing.)