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原始文本 - 塞尔维亚语 - Un amico...

本文可用以下语言: 塞尔维亚语意大利语

讨论区 日常生活

Un amico...
提交 angelo3mendo
源语言: 塞尔维亚语

Mnogo mi je bilo lepo kod vas i uvek rado pomislim na Floridu. Ne secam se kad mi je bilo tako lepo.
Zvacu te uskoro nadam se. Puno vas volim i ljubim. Cmok
Sada sam pisala i Scottu posle skoro 2 meseca. On pocinje neki biznis sa sportskom opremom za surf. Tako pisemo ponekad samo sto ne smem to ni da spominjem zbog Andjela. Sa njim je sve ok i samo me to i drzi u Italiji jer mi se inace vec smucila...
上一个编辑者是 Roller-Coaster - 2007年 十一月 4日 20:48



2007年 十一月 4日 20:48

文章总计: 930

I had a great time with you and I'm always happy to think about Florida. Don't remember the last time I had such a great time.
I hope I will call you soon. Love you so much. Kiss
I have just wrote to Scott after almost 2 months. He is starting some business with sport equipment for surf. We write to each other from time to time but I mustn't even mention that because of Angelo. Everything is ok with him and that's the only thing I have in Italy since I'm already sick of it...

(You -> plural)

2007年 十一月 16日 14:04

文章总计: 930
Take a look when you get some free time

CC: apple Ricciodimare Witchy