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30翻訳 - トルコ語-英語 - Ä°yi ki varsın... Öyle anlatılmaz duygular...

ドキュメントが次の言語に翻訳されました: トルコ語フランス語英語 ロシア語

İyi ki varsın... Öyle anlatılmaz duygular...
原稿の言語: トルコ語

İyi ki varsın. Öyle anlatılmaz duygular yaşıyorum ki yeniden, deli gibi korksam da seni kaybetmekten, yaşadığım bu sevda içime, dışıma, bütün hayatıma hızla yayılıyor ve ben ne engel olmak istiyorum ne de getirebileceği acıları hesaba katmak istiyorum. Sadece seni yaşamak istiyorum.

Fortunately, you exist!

翻訳の言語: 英語

Fortunately, you exist. Feelings such as those I experience once again are inexplicable, even if I am terribly afraid of losing you, this love I feel spreads quickly inside me, outside me, all over my life and I want neither to prevent nor to add to it more pains than those it can bring. I just want to live through you
最終承認・編集者 lilian canale - 2009年 3月 22日 15:23



2009年 3月 21日 19:24

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Hi Minny,
You have repeated the same mistakes you made in your former version. Please review your translation.

2009年 3月 21日 21:46

投稿数: 271
Hi Lilian Canale,
I am sorry.
After having given it a 2nd look I changed a lot, but seemingly not enough.
You may thus reject it and I hope for more luck next time.
Hopefully, I will be able to trace the translation that will be accepted, so that I can learn from it.

2009年 3月 21日 22:17

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Minny, you are a good translator, but there are some structures in English that are really hard to get. One of them is that "neither-nor"
I will correct your mistakes this time, OK?

"Fortunately, you exist. Feelings such as those I experience once again are inexplicable, even if I am terribly afraid of losing you, this love I feel spreads quickly inside me, outside me, all over my life and I want neither to prevent nor to add to it more pains than those it can bring. I just want to live through you."

What do you think?

2009年 3月 22日 09:31

投稿数: 271
I should have detected my error regarding "neither-nor".
I hope that I learned through this translation to stay behind a problem and really solve it, instead of thinking "it does not make sense, etc."
Well, thank you so much indeed for helping/teaching me.;-)
You are doing a splendid job at cucumis!

2009年 3月 22日 14:05

投稿数: 279
ok, nombre de douleurs can be translated as number of pains.