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翻訳 - 英語 -スペイン語 - It's black turn現状 翻訳
この翻訳はプロジェクトFovea に属する।FoveaSeveral Fovea's free game projects having many phrases is common, so there is the place to translate them!
カテゴリ 説明 - ゲーム | | | 原稿の言語: 英語
It's black turn | | In the context of a board game. |
| | | 翻訳の言語: スペイン語
Turno del jugador negro. | | (Es el) turno del jugador negro. This first part is usually omitted in this context.
I added "jugador" (player) because I assumed that this translation is related to the other one about board games. |
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