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Translation - Greek-English - Τι θα γίνει θα έρθεις επιτέλους?

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Category Chat - Daily life

Τι θα γίνει θα έρθεις επιτέλους?
Submitted by ellasevia
Source language: Greek

Τι θα γίνει θα έρθεις επιτέλους?

What are you finally...

Translated by mingtr
Target language: English

What are you finally going to do? Are you coming or not?
Validated by lilian canale - 20 June 2008 02:25

Last messages


15 June 2008 02:14

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972

That would read better:
"What are you going to do? Are you finally coming or not?"
"What are you going to do after all...coming or not?"

19 June 2008 00:33

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972

I'm waiting for your answer...

21 June 2008 03:42

Number of messages: 85
Νομιζω το after all δεν πολυ ταιριαζει εδω..
Το πρωτο που εγραψες ειναι πολυ καλο!Χωρις να ειμαι πολυ σιγουρη, εγω θα το ελεγα χωρις να το κοψω σε δυο ερωτησεις.Δηλαδη:"What are you going to do finally, coming or not?"
Ελπίζω να σε βοηθησα..
Συγνωμη για την αργοπορια.

21 June 2008 03:54

lilian canale
Number of messages: 14972

I'm sorry, I don't read Greek.

Could you post in English, please?

21 June 2008 11:18

Number of messages: 85
οκ..I am sorry..
Well..i believe that "after all" is not so suitable..
But the first one, it's ok!
I will prefer ""What are you going to do finally, coming or not?" but it's up to you!
I am sorry for my delay, too..
Have a nice morning!