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Übersetzung - Arabisch-Englisch - ريت الرياض قد لبس ثوبًا جديد من نِوار حوله بنفسج...

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Kategorie Dichtung - Erziehung

ريت الرياض قد لبس ثوبًا جديد من نِوار حوله بنفسج...
Übermittelt von Sarith
Herkunftssprache: Arabisch

ريت الرياض قد لبس
ثوبًا جديد من نِوار
حوله بنفسج و آس
و حبق مع الجُلِّنار
إذا يهُبُّ النسيم
تَشُمُّ مِسكَ الزَّهرْ

يا قلبي بينَ القلوبْ
ما لَكْ دَوَا أو طبيب
زاراني المَليحْ في سُرُورْ
أَقْبَلْ إِلى مَنْزِِلِي
عَمِلْتُ حَضْرَة زُهُورْ
والظَّبْيُ في مَحْفَلِي
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
it's literary arabic and I would like to translate it in french spanish or/and english

I saw them wearing, those gardens a new outfit made ...

Übersetzt von tarakbr
Zielsprache: Englisch

I saw them wearing, those gardens
A new outfit made of sublime roses
With myrtles and violets around
Basil with grenadine flowers do abound
Whenever the breeze lightly blows
You smell the scent of an exquisite rose

Oh, my heart among all others
No medicine can cure, no doctors
The pretty graced me with her presence
And honored my house with her existence
I made a bunch of flowers swiftly
For the antelope in my assembly
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
I tried to keep a kind of rhyme. So a few additions were needed.
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von lilian canale - 14 September 2008 02:47

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12 September 2008 01:18

lilian canale
Anzahl der Beiträge: 14972

It seems that the votes are positive for your good job, however I'd like you to explain the last two lines, please.
Could you say that in other words so that I'll be able to understand?

13 September 2008 12:31

Anzahl der Beiträge: 37
Hi Lilian,

Here is how I interpreted and accordingly translated the last two lines:
عَمِلْتُ حَضْرَة زُهُورْ
والظَّبْيُ في مَحْفَلِي

the above lines basically mean:
I prepared flowers
For the pretty girl who is among my guests (literally: in my party)
الظَّبْيُ: is in fact antelope. In Arabic, it can be used to refer to a pretty, sexy girl as antelopes are thought to be endowed with a perfect shape and a gracious agility.
I used/added "swiftly" to rhyme with "assembly" (gathering).
I hope my explanation can be helpful.

13 September 2008 14:30

lilian canale
Anzahl der Beiträge: 14972
Thanks for your explanation tarakbr,
I think I got that now. It's always a challenge translating poetry. You've done it finely.
I'll validate this one right away.

14 September 2008 00:14

Anzahl der Beiträge: 37
Hi Lilian,
I am glad you found my translation worthwhile.
However,I'd like to rectify the first line: "I saw they were" to the more correct: "I saw they wear".
Thank you so much for your patience and your time.
Kind regards,

14 September 2008 01:24

lilian canale
Anzahl der Beiträge: 14972
Hi, you confused me...
"I saw they were, those gardens
A new outfit made of sublime roses" makes sense to me, however
"I saw they wear, those gardens
A new outfit made of sublime roses" doesn't.

Now, you'll have to explain the line to me.

The gardens wear a new outfit...? If so, the line should be:
"I saw them wearing, those gardens
A new outfit made of sublime roses"

Or maybe not... You tell me!

14 September 2008 02:13

Anzahl der Beiträge: 37
Yes Lilian,
I do agree
"I saw them wearing, those gardens
A new outfit made of sublime roses"
is much better than mine
No more bothering/confusing you

14 September 2008 04:42

lilian canale
Anzahl der Beiträge: 14972

Because I intend to do the translation into Spanish.