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207 Herkunftssprache PER ME PER SEMPRE Io vorrei che migliaia di... PER ME PER SEMPRE
Io vorrei che migliaia di farfalle Colorassero l'aria intorno a me Poi vorrei vederle tutte quante Come un vestito posarsi su di te Cosi, vorrei cosi Cosi, sognarti cosi Quando la festa commincera' Tu sarai regina Tutta la gente Gracias de antemano, estoy tratando de aprender italiano. Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen PARA MÃ POR SIEMPRE Voor mij voor altijd | |
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105 HerkunftsspracheDiese Übersetzung erfordert nur die Bedeutung. Namorado Gago O gaguinho liga para o celular de sua namorada .Ela atendi: Alo!Ele fala A a a a alo,A a a a adivinha q q q q quem ta ta falando!!! Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen Novio tartamudo. | |
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221 Herkunftssprache Dacă aÅ£i fi făcut această călătorie v-aÅŸ fi... Dacă aÅ£i fi făcut această călătorie v-aÅŸ fi însoÅ£it cu plăcere.Dacă aÅŸ fi fost în locul tău, mi-ar fi fost frică.Dacă voi avea timp voi merge la Å£ară.Dacă aÅŸ fi fost bogat, mi-aÅŸ cumpăra un Lambourgini.Dacă a-Å£i striga, vecinii voÅŸtri s-ar supăra.Dacă ar avea talent ar cânta. Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen Si tu avais fait ce voyage | |
281 Herkunftssprache i'm so annoyed at everything and everyone!!... I'm so annoyed at everything and everyone!! firstly I wish you would say you loved me, if you did love me you would sign up to cucumis.org to translate this, and if you were a good friend you wouldn't be in such a mood with me :(:( Tom I really like you but I don't know if you feel the same, I'm scared. And yes I'm drunk lol haha please do this quick, even if it isn't that accurate :):) Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen Tout m'ennuie | |
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323 Herkunftssprache I quickly walked out of the bedroom, and when I... I quickly walked out of the bedroom, and when I turned to close the door, there she stood in the doorway. I left the door open, never considering I could ask her to move. For one thing, I seemed to be the only one who could see this apparition, and my husband would have thought I was crazy for talking to the doorway. Second, who knows what the spirit's reaction would have been? ovo je paranormal...treba mi za pismenu... Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen Brzo sam izaÅ¡la iz spavaće sobe i kad sam... | |
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188 HerkunftsspracheDiese Übersetzung erfordert nur die Bedeutung. warnsymbol falls ein fehler auftreten sollte leuchtet das symbol auf und eine mitteilung wird im displey eingeblendet
dieses symbol leuchtet je nach schwere des entdeckten fehlers rot oder gelb weitere informationen erhalten sie auf der nachsten seite! Abgeschlossene Übersetzungen varningssymbol | |
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