Cucumis - Ókeypis álinju umsetingar tænasta
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Umseting - Portugisiskt brasiliskt-Latín - Familia, estrelas que sempre irão brilhar

Núverðandi støðaUmseting
Hesin teksturin er tøkur í fylgjandi málum: Portugisiskt brasilisktLatín

Bólkur Setningur - Kærleiki / Vinskapur

Familia, estrelas que sempre irão brilhar
Framborið av hugoferrera
Uppruna mál: Portugisiskt brasiliskt

Familia, estrelas que sempre irão brilhar no meu céu. Imortais no meu coração.
Viðmerking um umsetingina
gostaria de expressar como a minha familia, no caso representada por 5 estrelas, sempre irão brilhar no meu céu e são imortais no meu coração. nao sei se é possivel traduzir "sempre irão brilhar" para o latim, mas de uma forma similar também é valido. obrigado!


Umsett av alexfatt
Ynskt mál: Latín

Familia, stellae quae in coelo meo semper splendebunt. In corde meo immortales estis.
Góðkent av Efylove - 16 Juli 2011 08:24

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13 Juli 2011 16:59

Aneta B.
Tal av boðum: 4487
Hi Alex!
I'm a bit confused, dear. Please, explain your translation of the first sentence to me. Why did you put "ad aeternum"? (It means "on to eternity" )
And what does "familia" refer to? (Familia=stellae?)

13 Juli 2011 20:14

Tal av boðum: 1538

I meant to say "in perpetuum", but I actually tried to avoid the repetition IN perpetuum IN coelis meis. Silly idea, uh?
Yes, "familia" is referred to "stellae" because in the remarks field the requester says that his family is made up of 5 stars (i.e. 5 members).

13 Juli 2011 20:29

Tal av boðum: 4
MUITO obrigado alex!!!!!!!!!
uma pergunta, qual o significado de "coelis meis splendebunt"?

13 Juli 2011 22:23

Tal av boðum: 1538
Oi hugoferrera,

O significado literal de "in coelis meis splendebunt" é "nos céus meus brilharão". O sujeto subentendido é "elas" (as estrelas).
Todavia, antes de utilizar a minha tradução, sugiro que você espere a especialista (Aneta B.) validá-la.


13 Juli 2011 22:25

Tal av boðum: 4
Mais uma vez obrigado alex!

isso foi uma ironia? hahaha

14 Juli 2011 13:33

Aneta B.
Tal av boðum: 4487
Oh, I see, Alex. But if you want to avoid the repetiotion you can just reject one "in":

--> perpetuum coelis meis (caelo meo) splendebunt/lucebunt.


--> caelis meis (in caelo meo)perpetuo/semper splendebunt/lucebunt.

Do you like any of the options?

14 Juli 2011 19:23

Tal av boðum: 1538
Wow! You understand Portuguese too? (I see you caught the meaning!)

Which is the best spelling? Caelum or coelum?
I've always chosen "coelum" because of the Latin name of a notorious jail in Rome, called "Regina Coeli".

"coelis" vs. "coelo" ...what about the number? Am I allowed to use ablativus singularis here?

Finally, does "semper" mean in Latin both "always" and "forever"? I know there's not much difference but actually there is.

So many doubts! Sorry

15 Juli 2011 18:58

Aneta B.
Tal av boðum: 4487
Hi Alex!

Both: coelum and caelum is correct, dear.
If it refers to "the sky", You can use either the singular or plural. However, if it refers to "the heaven", you can also put both the numerals, but just for Christian texts it is better to use the plural (tradition).

I believe "semper" = sempre
Sometimes it can mean also "forever". It depends on a context.

15 Juli 2011 18:59

Tal av boðum: 4
thanks!!!! so what is the most correct translation guys?

15 Juli 2011 20:12

Tal av boðum: 1538
Thank you Aneta


Oi hugoferrera,

Já corrigi a minha tradução conforme as sugestões da especialista.
Agora acho que você pode utilizá-la.

15 Juli 2011 20:19

Tal av boðum: 4

15 Juli 2011 20:39

Tal av boðum: 1538
De nada

16 Juli 2011 00:16

Aneta B.
Tal av boðum: 4487
Hi Alex,
I'm glad I could help a bit.


Dear hugoferrera,

I believe Alex's translation is ok now. For certain it is grammatically correct.
But since I don't know the language of an original I need to ask for an English bridge to be sure that the translation conveys the meaning of the Portuguese text. I know, that seems to be a long process to get the translation on Cucumis. But we try to make the best translation possible for you.


Hi Lilly,
Can I have a bridge please? Thank you!

Hi Efee,
Could you, please, finish the evaluation, cause I am leaving for two weeks? Thank you in advance!

CC: lilian canale Efylove

16 Juli 2011 01:00

lilian canale
Tal av boðum: 14972
"Family, stars which will always shine in my sky. Immortal in my heart."

16 Juli 2011 08:25

Tal av boðum: 1015
With pleasure!