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Vertaling - Braziliaans Portugees-Engels - Eu gosto do meu quarto, do meu desarrumado...

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Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: Braziliaans PortugeesEngels

Categorie Liedje

Eu gosto do meu quarto, do meu desarrumado...
Opgestuurd door kurtlove
Uitgangs-taal: Braziliaans Portugees

Eu gosto do meu quarto, do meu desarrumado
Ninguém sabe mexer na minha confusão
É o meu ponto de vista, não aceito turistas
Meu mundo 'tá' fechado pra visitação

Coisas que eu sei
O medo mora perto das idéias loucas
Coisas que eu sei
Se eu for eu vou assim não vou trocar de roupa
É minha lei

I like my bedroom, how it's untidy

Vertaald door Urunghai
Doel-taal: Engels

I like my bedroom, how it's untidy
Nobody knows how to deal with this mess
It's my point of view, tourists are not accepted
My world has closed for visits

Things I know
Fear lives near crazy ideas
Things I know
If I go, I'm going dressed like this, I won't change my clothes
It's my law
Details voor de vertaling
"mixing confusion" is quite literal though ..
Changed it, thank you Casper
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door dramati - 2 januari 2008 18:55

Laatste bericht


2 januari 2008 18:16

casper tavernello
Aantal berichten: 5057
"Mexer" here means "to deal with" and "confusão", "mess".

2 januari 2008 18:20

casper tavernello
Aantal berichten: 5057
Desarrumado: untidy
Se eu for eu vou assim não vou trocar de roupa
If I'm going with you, I'm going dressed like this, I won't change my clothes.

2 januari 2008 18:26

Aantal berichten: 464
Hmmmm, guess I should stop translating from Brazilian(-Portuguese my bad :P).

Could you come to the Cucu chat, Casper?

2 januari 2008 18:24

casper tavernello
Aantal berichten: 5057
No, no.
It was great. That's hard because it's a teenager way to speak.
