Cucumis - Gratis on-line vertaal dienst
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Vertaling - Nederlands-Engels - werk; niet belastbaar i.v.m. fysieke beperkingen...

Huidige statusVertaling
Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: NederlandsEngelsTurks

Categorie Literatuur

Deze vertaling aanvraag is "betekenis alleen"
werk; niet belastbaar i.v.m. fysieke beperkingen...
Opgestuurd door smy
Uitgangs-taal: Nederlands

werk; niet belastbaar i.v.m. fysieke beperkingen en verminderde mentale spankracht t.g.v. werkstituatie.Op korte termijn gesprek met elkaar aangaan om verwachtingen van beiden partijen te verhelderen.

Afgekeurde vertaling
work, not difficult regarding physical limitations

Vertaald door EllenS
Doel-taal: Engels

work, not straining regarding physical limitations and reduced mental strength as a result of the work situation. To have a conversation on short term to clarify the expectations of both parties.
Afgewezen door dramati - 16 februari 2008 20:20

Laatste bericht


30 januari 2008 11:47

Aantal berichten: 972

While this might a a "word for word" it doesn't make it in English. Take a minute, think about what you want to say, read it back to yourself, and see if you can't make the sentences more understandable to an English speaker.



31 januari 2008 09:02

Aantal berichten: 19
Problem is that the original sentence is written like that too. I think it is a copy/paste from antother text. I'm missing the first part of the sentence so I can't make out the context, same with the second sentence even it starts with a capital letter.

31 januari 2008 12:06

Aantal berichten: 2481
I would like to help but this is orignally not my request, I need it for the evaluation of the Turkish one

31 januari 2008 12:17

Aantal berichten: 972
Since this can only be a partial translation one it might be done like this:, and not straining. This regards physical limitations and reduced mental alertness as a result of the work situation. We need to have a converstation in the short term in order to clarify the expectations of both parties.

31 januari 2008 12:51

Aantal berichten: 2481
Could you tell us if this is a crrect translation Chantal?

CC: Chantal

31 januari 2008 12:58

Aantal berichten: 19
It depends if the person is looking for work like that having those problems right now or that he/she suffered the problems in the current work situation

31 januari 2008 13:56

Aantal berichten: 2747
Hi David,

You've turned on the admin flag, what can I do to help you?

EllenS - "strength" has two letters muddled up and "conversation" has an extra "t" in it by accident.


31 januari 2008 19:32

Aantal berichten: 972
Hi Tantine,

In addition to the small changes needed in Editing...there is a problem that only the last part of the original translation of the first sentence was given to smy and ellen s to work with. I would like to know what you think here...should not the person who requested the translation be contacted to get the full first part of it? Should we simply work on this and validate at some point? It is your call!

31 januari 2008 22:18

Aantal berichten: 2747
Hi david

I see what you mean.

I'll ask the requestor, toppie, to give us more details.

But I'll have to leave her a message in her inbox, or under the Turkish version, as she is not present on this thread.


3 februari 2008 20:30

Aantal berichten: 878
work: can't be overloaded (it's physical so I'm not sure whether 'load' is a correct term here) because of physical limitations and reduced mental strength caused by the work situation. A conversation between both parties (that is, employee & employer) needs to be had shortly to clear up expectations which both parties have.

Does this make more sense?

3 februari 2008 23:03

Aantal berichten: 972
It does if this is the original translation (sort of anyway). Let's see what the requestor says.

3 februari 2008 23:30

Aantal berichten: 2747
Hi Chantal Hi David

That is much more understandable, makes sense, but I would say:

"A conversation... ...shortly, to express the [or any] expectations that either party may have"

What do you think?


3 februari 2008 23:37

Aantal berichten: 2747
Oh and for "overloaded", what about "overburdened"?


4 februari 2008 05:38

Aantal berichten: 972
Once again, everything depends on what was said before the first word "work" since that first sentence was not given to the translator.

4 februari 2008 06:54

Aantal berichten: 878
the 'work' is probably something in a contract (the next paragraph could be home, and therefore would mean 'concerning work' or 'situation at work'.

overburdened might work Tantine, it just means that someone can't do too much work (and therefore is not allowed be to too heavy 'loaded')

"A conversation... ...shortly, to express the [or any] expectations that either party may have"
this is also a better sentence Tantine .

4 februari 2008 08:31

Aantal berichten: 972
Right Chantal, but without knowing we are only taking a guess, and that wouldn't be a good way to translate. We still have to know the what the first part of the cut off sentence is, otherwise we can't do justice to the translation in any language.

4 februari 2008 10:31

Aantal berichten: 2481
Well, did you send the requester a message Tantine? I didn't

8 februari 2008 09:12

Aantal berichten: 972
Still no answer? We will have to reject this if we don't get a response.

8 februari 2008 11:33

Aantal berichten: 2481
I'll send her a message, let's wait till we hear from her