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| | 1 mei 2009 23:50 |
| | Hi Minny,
There are some weird lines here, let's try to make it more natural in English...
I think "I trust you had..." could be: "I hope/think/imagine/believe..."
undertaken ---> been doing
You can guess three times ---> You have three chances to guess...
Remember me ---> Give my greetings/best wishes
Were the gifts for the horsts well taken?
Have a good time further on ---> Keep enjoying/having a good time
papa and mamma ---> mum and dad |
| | 1 mei 2009 23:53 |
| | a little typo :
hosts  |
| | 2 mei 2009 10:13 |
|  MinnyAantal berichten: 271 | Hi,
I have changed the text according to you suggestions.
For "sagenhafte Beschäftigung" I do not find better words than "legendary occupation". |
| | 2 mei 2009 13:22 |
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| | 2 mei 2009 14:01 |
| | My suggestions:
storming activity
fabulous activity/work/job etc
It must sound a bit ironical. |
| | 2 mei 2009 14:06 |
| | P.S. hoffen ≠to believe, but to hope |
| | 2 mei 2009 19:00 |
| | "Fabulous" or maybe "terrific" sounds best to me. |
| | 2 mei 2009 19:10 |
| | And what about the rest? Is everything correct? |
| | 2 mei 2009 19:28 |
| | Yes, except from a minor change I would make: It's not "English and German lessons" but "lessons in English and German". |
| | 2 mei 2009 19:44 |
| | Do you mean that the classes are given in English and in German? |
| | 2 mei 2009 20:15 |
| | Yep, the language the classes are held in, are English and German. Not the subjects. |
| | 2 mei 2009 20:35 |
| | dreimal darfst du raten = <you are allowed three guesses>
"Viel Spaß weiterhin wünschen Papa und Mama" =<furthermore, Mum and Dad hope you have fun.>
Viele Grüße, maybe better as <many greetings>
Really only issue 2, where one sentence was broken up into 2 and the meaning was why I voted "could be improved". |
| | 3 mei 2009 18:07 |
| | in English and German today....in English OR German today |