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321 Originalo kalba HAllo, es ist sehr schade, das du dich nicht... HAllo, was ist eigentlich los mit dir? Es ist sehr schade, das du dich nicht mehr meldest und eine Freundschaft so zu ende geht. Ich hätte zumindest erwartet, das du mir einen Grund mitteilst oder mir einfach sagst, das du keine Freundschaft mehr möchtest. Das wäre ja ok. Ich denke mal, das kann ich schon erwarten. Es wäre zumindest nach deinen Versprechen besser, als sich einfach nicht mehr zu melden. Pabaigti vertimai Hello, it's a great pity that ... Merhaba çok yazık ki... | |
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569 Originalo kalba New Green Energy Saving Adapter to be Released A plug adapter that stops energy being wasted by electrical devices left on standby is to go on sale priced £9.99.
Known as the SMJ Energy Saving Plug Adapter, the gadget stops energy being wasted when televisions and other electrical goods are left on standby instead of being turned off.
Laura Yates, climate and energy campaigner at Greenpeace gave mixed response: "Standby's got to go, but in the meantime it's great news that these energy saving plug adapters are now available."
Negotiations are also under way to launch a similar device known as the 'Standby Saver' which featured on the BBC's television show 'Dragons' Den' - click here to see the show. this aritcle is for newspaper Pabaigti vertimai Yeni Yeşil Enerji Koruyucu Adaptör Piyasaya Sürüldü | |
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15 Originalo kalba Tai "bendrosios prasmės" vertimo prašymas. أستلقي على ظهري أستلقي على ظهري أريد ترجمة المعنى ليس ØرÙيا elmota: I fixed it, the other options would be: استلق٠على ظهري Pabaigti vertimai Je m'allonge sur le dos | |
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187 Originalo kalba a long time ago there was a duke called theseus... a long time ago there was a duke called theseus who was the lord and governor of athens. he was also a great soldier and had succeeded in defeating the amazons and winning over their queen, Hyppolita, whom he had married. Pabaigti vertimai molto tempo fa | |
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182 Originalo kalba Tai "bendrosios prasmės" vertimo prašymas. Tengo la camisa negra Tengo la camisa negra hoy mi amor esta de luto Hoy tengo en el alma una pena y es por culpa de tu embrujo
Hoy sé que tú ya no me quieres y eso es lo que más me hiere que tengo la camisa negra y una pena que me duele Pabaigti vertimai Ho la camicia nera | |
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416 Originalo kalba The "Stabat Mater" is a miniature on a grand... The "Stabat Mater" is a miniature on a grand scale and remains one of Palestrina's best-loved works. The hypnotic harmonies are overtly modal thereby giving a distinctly nostalgic air to the word painting. This still life of the Virgin Mary gazing upon the body of her crucified Son is amongst the most potent and touching portraits of the late Renaissance. The humanistic ideal of the ability of great art to redeem the human soul is perfectly achieved in Palestrina's setting of the text. "Spiegazione dello Stabat Mater" di Palestrina Pabaigti vertimai Lo "STABAT MATER" è una miniatura in grande scala... | |