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Vertimas - Italų-Albanų - E' e sarà per tutta la vita no!

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E' e sarà per tutta la vita no!
Pateikta Pinka
Originalo kalba: Italų

E' e sarà per tutta la vita no!

Është e do të jetë përherë një jetë JO!

Išvertė iliona
Kalba, į kurią verčiama: Albanų

Është e do të jetë përherë, një jetë, JO!
Validated by Inulek - 1 balandis 2009 17:04

Paskutinės žinutės


26 kovas 2009 14:01

Žinučių kiekis: 427
This one is messy o.O literally it says: It is and it will be forever a no life!

CC: Inulek

26 kovas 2009 14:12

Žinučių kiekis: 7
Hi there,

Thanks for your comment.

To my understanding the above phrase is the answer to a question. It means that the answer will be "NO" and will NEVER change in the whole lifetime.
However, I may be wrong.

Probably other translators may help on this.


28 kovas 2009 13:59

Žinučių kiekis: 427
Hi Ilona, you got the meaning of it but the italian is wrong, the correct phrase would be "E' e sarà per sempre NO" or "E' e sarà per tutta la vita NO"
i was trying to help Inulek, not arguing on your translation
I'll edit that, so you can eventually fix your translation.

28 kovas 2009 14:29

Žinučių kiekis: 7
Hi Ali (if this is your name),

I believe that suggestions/comments are helpful either way. So, don't feel bad - I always appreciate them... ;-).

Regarding the Italian I agree with with you, even though I have heard and seen many times - the word "no" in capital letter makes the difference.

Anyway thank you again for the clarification.

28 kovas 2009 14:32

Žinučių kiekis: 427
yeah I'm Alice

You're more than welcome, have a nice day!