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Vertimas - Portugalų (Brazilija)-Ivrito - Antes de você chegar, era tudo saudade!

Esamas statusasVertimas
Šis tekstas išverstas į šias kalbas: Portugalų (Brazilija)Ivrito

Kategorija Sakinys - Meilė / Draugystė

Antes de você chegar, era tudo saudade!
Pateikta Ana Carolina Cabral
Originalo kalba: Portugalų (Brazilija)

Antes de você chegar, era tudo saudade!
Pastabos apie vertimą
O destinatário é masculino.

לפני שהגעת, היו רק געגועים!

Išvertė beky4kr
Kalba, į kurią verčiama: Ivrito

לפני שהגעת, היו רק געגועים!
Validated by milkman - 31 kovas 2008 20:15

Paskutinės žinutės


1 sausis 2008 19:45

Žinučių kiekis: 773
And another bridge?

CC: Angelus

2 sausis 2008 12:43

Žinučių kiekis: 52
what do you mean ?

2 sausis 2008 12:48

Žinučių kiekis: 773
In order to confirm your translation I need some help form a native-speaker, since I don't read Portuguese...

4 sausis 2008 00:32

Žinučių kiekis: 1227
Sorry milkman for delaying but I was trying to find a definition in English for this translation as it is not easy to find an equivalent for the word "saudade" in this context.

<<Before you came, everything was longing>>

You can understand here that she or he was filled with longing to see each other again.

Hope it helps!

8 sausis 2008 18:57

Žinučių kiekis: 773
Oh Angelo, I didn't see that you answered that one! thanks
The current translation says "Before you arrived, I missed home". So I understand it's not a correct one, right?

CC: Angelus

8 sausis 2008 19:02

Žinučių kiekis: 52
the translation is correct, as you have wrote but in Hebrew.

16 sausis 2008 19:48

Žinučių kiekis: 1227
It doesn't say that one missed HOME!

16 sausis 2008 19:55

casper tavernello
Žinučių kiekis: 5057
It means that everything around reminded him/her the missing person.
It's impossible to translate it in one phrase.

16 sausis 2008 22:26

Žinučių kiekis: 773
Can it be "before you arrived, everything was saturated with longing"? That's something that could be written in Hebrew

17 sausis 2008 04:41

Žinučių kiekis: 52
התגעגעתי הביתה means missed home

22 sausis 2008 23:35

Žinučių kiekis: 773
Casper, Can it be "before you arrived, everything was saturated with longing"?
I need it to be something that sounds logical in Hebrew...

27 vasaris 2008 04:00

casper tavernello
Žinučių kiekis: 5057
Oh, sorry for the "late bridging", milkman.
Before you arrived, there was only yearning. .

27 vasaris 2008 08:31

Žinučių kiekis: 773
Thanks casper, that helps a lot!