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Fordítás - Görög-Angol - Πολλοί από τα πληρώματα πνίγηκαν, ενώ ο ίδιος ο...

Vàrakozàs alattFordítás
Ez a szöveg rendelkezésre àll a következő nyelveken : GörögAngol

Témakör Irodalom - Tàrsadalom / Emberek / Politika

Πολλοί από τα πληρώματα πνίγηκαν, ενώ ο ίδιος ο...
Ajànlo pluiepoco
Nyelvröl forditàs: Görög

Πολλοί από τα πληρώματα πνίγηκαν, ενώ ο ίδιος ο Αγαλλιανός ἔνοπλος ἑαυτόν ἐπόντωσεν.
Magyaràzat a forditàshoz
Well, it is mixed modern and ancient greek.
According to history, the said general Agallianus drown himself into the sea in order not to be captured, because he was a revolter.

«ένοπλος εαυτόν επόντωσεν» (Medieval Greek) replaced by "ἔνοπλος ἑαυτόν ἐπόντωσεν"

Agallianus threw himself into the sea

Forditva dionyq àltal
Forditando nyelve: Angol

Many of the crews were drowned, while Agallianus threw himself armed into the sea.

Validated by User10 - 14 Àprilis 2011 21:30

Legutolsó üzenet


1 Àprilis 2011 12:25

Hozzászólások száma: 1263
Thank you, dionyq and masters!
And in fact, before asking for help, I have consulted a handby greek dictionary and found the basic meaning of it. However, I was still puzzled about the real significance of such a fact, because in the context, telling him "armed" when committing a suicide is useless for the development of this story or the tenet of this whole text of history book; it is just irrevelant stuff.
I'd rather neglect this exercept if I were the compiler, and resort to other more "specifically-related" reference.
What is your opinion? dionyq

1 Àprilis 2011 01:05

Hozzászólások száma: 1524

Why do you want an administrator to check this page?

1 Àprilis 2011 01:29

Hozzászólások száma: 1263
Because I want to propose a Greek administrator!
This position is very needed! Don't you think so?

11 Àprilis 2011 15:58

Marco E.
Hozzászólások száma: 5
Please write "Many OF the crews...", OK?

12 Àprilis 2011 08:04

Kostas Koutoulis
Hozzászólások száma: 32
were drowned