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Oversættelse - Svensk-Engelsk - Landskrona kommuns anhörigverksamhet vänder sig...

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Landskrona kommuns anhörigverksamhet vänder sig...
Tilmeldt af abby
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Svensk

Landskrona kommuns anhörigverksamhet vänder sig till dig som vårdar eller hjälper någon äldre,sjuk eller funktionshindrad person. Vi bjuder stöd i form av samtal,avlösning och rådgivning. Målet med anhörigverksamheten är att
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
Landskrona is a name så you don´t ned to translate it or the word Norra Kyrkogränden it´s an adress

Municipality of Landskrona's Family Caretaking Operations address to you

Oversat af Maribel
Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Engelsk

The Municipality of Landskrona's Family Care-taking Operation addresses those of you who are caring for or helping an elderly, ill or disabled person. We offer you support in the form of discussions, solutions and advice. The objective of the family care-taking operation is to
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
family caretaking operations = operational function (sometimes unit) working with relatives of persons who need special care, normally with the one living with and helping the disabled person. This relative who is assigned to help also receives a benefit and other support from the municipality. In the beginning I used capital letters to describe that it is the authorities/the unit contacting but at the end I understand (when written with small letter in the original) that they mean mainly the goals for the work to be done in this field (of course the objective is the same for the unit, too). There might be a special expression for this which I am not aware of.
Senest valideret eller redigeret af kafetzou - 15 Maj 2007 23:59

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15 Maj 2007 22:47

Antal indlæg: 7963
"nursing" means feeding a baby the natural way (with a breast) - is that what this means?

15 Maj 2007 23:08

casper tavernello
Antal indlæg: 5057
"Att vårda" means "to care of", make the service of a nurse.
Here, is someone whos taking care of an old person.

15 Maj 2007 23:11

Antal indlæg: 7963
Ah - thank you - I'll fix it.

16 Maj 2007 10:48

Antal indlæg: 871
Thank you, Casper, quite right!
(I took the opportunity to use all possibly suitable verbs to be sure that all aspects would be taken into consideration...)
Sorry I was not here to reply in th first place because of the time difference we have.

16 Maj 2007 15:11

Antal indlæg: 7963
It's OK, Maribel - it's taken care of.