I'm in the middle of mounting a film taken in the north of India. It's interviews dealing with hinduism. I can move in order to show the film, which is about 15 minutes long. I live in Paris in the 18th arrondissement. I'm independent and this is my first film. Is there anyone who can help me out.
Have a good day
Senast granskad eller redigerad av Tantine - 24 Februari 2011 12:39
There's an error with translation of "monter un film", which is different from "montrer un film". "montrer" is actually translatable by "to show", while "monter" is a technical term that is specific to the movie-maker's work, it's when you gather all parts you've shot in order to make the movie*.
Rest seems to be ok, I just asked for a translation into English as the original translation request is Hindi language and most of the people in India speak English, while only the people from S.W India (area of Pondichery) may read French.
I'm in the middle of mounting a film taken in the north of India. It's interviews dealing with hinduism. I can move in order to show the film, which is about 15 minutes long. I live in Paris in the 18th arrondissement. I'm independent and this is my first film. Is there anyone who can help me out.
Have a good day."
Try to avoid putting abbreviations which are not in the source text, they could be confusing for the non native speaker and, if you have an alternative (as with single/independant) you should choose one term and mention the other in the "remarks about the translation" box.
Une fois que tu as fais les corrections, je validerai ta traduction.