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Oversettelse - Svensk-Engelsk - Hejsan. Är nyfiken hur det går med...

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Hejsan. Är nyfiken hur det går med...
Skrevet av boanho
Kildespråk: Svensk

Är nyfiken hur det går med undersökningen?
Är förväntansfull och hoppas du
hör av dej så fort du kan.
Tack så länge

Hello. Curious about how ...

Oversatt av lilian canale
Språket det skal oversettes til: Engelsk

Curious about how the investigation is going?
I'm waiting expectantly and hope to hear from you as soon as you can.
Thanks, so long
Anmerkninger gjeldende oversettelsen
The second sentence has no subject in the original Swedish. However, it seems to mean
_I am_ curious about how the investigation is going.
Senest vurdert og redigert av IanMegill2 - 18 Februar 2008 06:14

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16 Februar 2008 11:09

Antall Innlegg: 1671
Hi Lilian,
Are the following modifications okay?
I'm curious about how the investigation is going
I'm waiting expectantly, and hope to hear from you as soon as possible.
Thanks, so long

16 Februar 2008 14:24

lilian canale
Antall Innlegg: 14972

In Swedish I am (jag är) and you are (du är) can't be differentiated by the verb inflection.
However since it was a question I guees it means "Are you curious...?", but the original lacks the pronoun.
About :
förväntanfull = full of expectation.
är förväntanfull och hoppas = I am expectant and hope

16 Februar 2008 14:51

Antall Innlegg: 1180
så fort du kan = as soon as you can

16 Februar 2008 15:50

lilian canale
Antall Innlegg: 14972

jag är så van vid den uttryck "as soon as possible" att den översättning var automatisk .

16 Februar 2008 20:41

Antall Innlegg: 972
I am expectant could mean that I am pregnant. So why not change it to something like expecting to hear from you.

16 Februar 2008 20:57

lilian canale
Antall Innlegg: 14972
I am awaiting may work better.

What do you think, David?

17 Februar 2008 14:46

Antall Innlegg: 1671
Hi Lilly,
It's as I feared. As you can see, David didn't like that "expectant" by itself there either...
I guess to make it into natural English with the minimum change to the original meaning, we'll have to change it to
I'm waiting expectantly, and....
The meaning is the same, of course, because when you are expectant, you are waiting!

Also, I understand from your excellent explanation that grammatically it is unclear whether the second line is a question or an inquiry, but in this context, it sure sounds to me like an inquiry; like the writer is curious to know how the investigation is going...
Don't you agree?

17 Februar 2008 16:15

lilian canale
Antall Innlegg: 14972
Ok guys.

About the second line...I'm not sure about that Ian. Swedish don't usually use question marks if it is not clear that it is really a question. Maybe we can ask some Swedish expert to help on this.

17 Februar 2008 16:17

lilian canale
Antall Innlegg: 14972
Pia, what do you think?

Should it be the way it is (a question) or
"I am curious about....

CC: pias

17 Februar 2008 18:08

Antall Innlegg: 8114
I think that this is good as it is, there is no "I" in the source. ...but sure the meaning is that he/she is curious.

Do I answered your question now?

17 Februar 2008 18:17

lilian canale
Antall Innlegg: 14972
Now, Ian...
Does that throw any light?

18 Februar 2008 06:11

Antall Innlegg: 1671
Yup, I think we can validate it as it is now, with a little comment under it, to explain the probable meaning of the second sentence as per Pia's explanation!