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134 gjuha e tekstit origjinal Kjo kërkesë për përkthim është "Vetëm kuptimi". propozycja Twoja propozycja bardzo mnie zaskoczyÅ‚a, ucieszyÅ‚a ale też troszkÄ™ wystarszyÅ‚a...nie znamy siÄ™ wiÄ™c nie oceniaj mnie zbyt pochopnie, ja też staram siÄ™ tego nie robić Përkthime të mbaruara Proposal | |
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101 gjuha e tekstit origjinal Kjo kërkesë për përkthim është "Vetëm kuptimi". ПИСЬМО ÐœÐТЕРИ Ты жива еще, Ð¼Ð¾Ñ Ñтарушка? Жив и Ñ. Привет тебе, привет! ПуÑÑ‚ÑŒ ÑтруитÑÑ Ð½Ð°Ð´ твоей избушкой Тот вечерний неÑказанный Ñвет. Përkthime të mbaruara A letter to my mother Brief an Mutter | |
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411 gjuha e tekstit origjinal most of my friends live nearby, which means i can... most of my friends live nearby, which means i can easily go and call for them on a monday their is a sports centre i can go to, to play football. unlike frankfurt their isn't a zoo i can go to where i can see lots of animals. i like to go swimming on a sunday with my dad at the kettering swimming pool, it isn't very dear which makes it better. kettering is also very good because the town is very nearby and because it has lots of shops i can buy lots of clothes from good shops. Përkthime të mbaruara Die meisten meiner Freunde... | |
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42 gjuha e tekstit origjinal DRŽAVA Adresa ustanove, Grad, DRŽAVA, e-mail (TNR 10 pt) Përkthime të mbaruara Staat | |
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236 gjuha e tekstit origjinal eastman Eastman's lightweight model 534 Cardinal® provides lightweight maneuverability with more than enough power to cut low lays of wool, cotton, silk and synthetics. Like all Eastman round knives, the Lighweight Cardinal® is perfect for cutting large radius curves and straight lines Përkthime të mbaruara Eastman | |