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Preklad - Latinčina-Grécky - 5 Essei dicunt ipsum esse Christum qui docuit...

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5 Essei dicunt ipsum esse Christum qui docuit...
Pridal(a) pmxm2992
Zdrojový jazyk: Latinčina

Essei dicunt ipsum esse Christum qui docuit illos omnem abstinentiam. Galilaei dicunt Christum venisse et docuisse eos ne dicerent dominum Caesarem neque eius monitis uterentur. 6 Masbothei dicunt ipsum esse Christum qui docuit illos in omni re sabbatizare.

Οι Εσσαίοι λένε ότι ο ίδιος ο Χριστός

Preložil(a) Mideia
Cieľový jazyk: Grécky

Οι Εσσαίοι λένε ότι ο ίδιος ο Χριστός είναι που τους δίδαξε την απόλυτη εγκράτεια. Οι Γαλιλαίοι λένε ότι ο Χριστός ήρθε και τους δίδαξε να μη λένε ότι ο Καίσαρας είναι κύριος, και να μην υπακούουν στις προσταγές του. Οι Μασβώθεοι λένε ότι ήταν ο ίδιος ο Χριστός που τους δίδαξε να τηρούν το Σάββατο σε όλα.
Poznámky k prekladu
sidore of Seville (Etymologiae, VIII, 4) writes:

The Essenes say that is Christ himself who taught them complete abstinence. The Galileans say that Christ come and taught them not to say that Caesar is lord (they should not call Caesar "Lord" ), and not to heed his commands (warmings). The Masbotheans say that it was Christ himself who taught them to sabbatize in everything (to keep the Sabbath in every aspect).

monitus -us, s. m. = counsel, advice, command, admonition, warning
sabbatizare, v. (σαββατίζω) = to sabbatize, to keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath
Masbothei , s. pl. = Masbothei or Masbotheans, Μασβώθεοι

Nakoniec potvrdené alebo vydané Mideia - 24 marca 2008 10:58